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  1. spence

    does ur school rank really affect ur mark?

    Do you really think there is any correlation between UAI and teaching ability?
  2. spence

    Uni offers

    Yeah but if its your first preference than you should want to do it more than vet science. And you can change prefs anyway
  3. spence

    Pen Society

    I want one
  4. spence

    Why do so many people boast about their UAI?

    By 'from all reports' you mean from all reports except that of the 4th year med science student?
  5. spence

    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    Yeah you definately do. If you're on the new award you get double time, for the old award you get double time and a half
  6. spence


    Fuck Broncos season was so disappointing. Led the division from week 1 to week 16, then lost the lead week 17 and missed playoffs. First team since division play began to miss playoffs after leading division by 3 games with 3 weeks to go. And had seven running backs on injured reserve. In...
  7. spence

    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    Boxing day was crazy busy. I definately earned my 39/hour
  8. spence

    MQ or USYD???

    Just because the UAI cutoff is lower doesn't mean the students are any worse. There will be people in the course with an 82 cutoff who got much higher. Similarly to AsyLum's example, assume a hypothetical course with 50 places. The first 49 places may be taken by people with UAI's 99+, where the...
  9. spence

    does ur school rank really affect ur mark?

    There was an interesting section in Freakonomics (which is an awesome book that everyone should read) about the effect the school has on results. They pretty much concluded that the school you go to doesn't have a great effect on results. Although people who change to 'better' schools tend to...
  10. spence

    MQ or USYD???

    Repeat after me: UAI does not indicate course quality
  11. spence

    questions re: UAI and psychology

    Why would you need to? It's no different to a ba-psych or bsc-psych with honours
  12. spence

    questions re: UAI and psychology

    I think he means once you do honours in science, so you do 4 years either way. And at macquarie you can become accredited through either ba-psych, bsc-psych or bpsych. Also, at USyd, you can become accredited as long as you major in psych provided you do a specific 3rd year unit
  13. spence

    how do u rate comerce @ usyd?

    I think Mereweather is shit, and you'll be spending a lot of time there. But the buildings shouldn't factor in to your decision imo
  14. spence

    does ur school rank really affect ur mark?

    You go to a really bad school, with people there make fun of you if you get less than 95, and you're surprised that your external marks are lower than your internals?
  15. spence

    Best University Atmosphere

    Do you want to do law? if so go to UOW, if not, then look at other factors
  16. spence

    UAI - UNSW combined law for 2009ers

    If anything I'd say cutting DFEE would push cutoffs up, as the only real difference (as far as I can tell) is that some people who get in between USyd and UNSW cutoffs no longer have the option to DFEE at Sydney. Although this wouldn't make much difference, I think law at UTS, Mac, etc. would be...
  17. spence

    B Business accreditability and sociability :P

    I did a semester of business at UTS, most seemed much less nerdy than the commerce kids I know at Sydney
  18. spence

    Simpsons Quotes thread

    Seymour, the house is on fire! No mother, it's just the northern lights And from the same episode: Lou: You know, I went to the McDonald’s in Shelbyville on Friday night – Wiggum: The McWhat? Lou: Uh, the McDonald’s. I, I never heard of it either, but they have over 2,000 locations in this...
  19. spence

    Can u drop to a single degree from double degree???

    You'll need to wait till end of first year and apply for an internal course transfer. While I think you're supposed to do a mix of business and the other course, I know a friend of mine did only business courses for first year and is trying to transfer from business/it into business
  20. spence

    All my own work- HSC was there a point for that?

    People get burnt out by the school cert?