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  1. MoonlightSonata

    Contract Question

    I wasn't aware there were any predefined categories as such.. but presumably where the entire performance is a condition precedent to payment the courts would be more reluctant to apply the principle?
  2. MoonlightSonata

    Howard vs. Oakes On Sunday

    ahahaha I wish I could have heard him say that
  3. MoonlightSonata

    Collateral contracts / exclusion clause / negligent misrepresentation question.

    The Standard of Care for Professionals There used to be a concept called the Bolam principle, which said that if a medical body adhered to the standard of care that was set out by the professional body, then they have satisfied their duty. The High Court in Rogers v Whitaker (1992)...
  4. MoonlightSonata

    JOhnny boy propaganda Advertising?

    I love those propaganda ads
  5. MoonlightSonata

    "wet floor"

    haha that has to be the doing of the law school...
  6. MoonlightSonata

    Mr Howards Education Scheme

    Well it's better than the Labor scheme, which cuts funding from private schools.
  7. MoonlightSonata

    Mr Howards Education Scheme

    Yep $1 billion capital funding increase for government schools and poorer-resourced non-government schools - smh.
  8. MoonlightSonata

    contract law

    haha.. damn the australian tax act is longer than those four books combined (over 7000 pages long) !
  9. MoonlightSonata

    contract law

    History of taxation law? And a comparative study with the current tax act (however million pages it is...)
  10. MoonlightSonata

    contract law

    well I think that's great... but it shouldn't be mandatory..
  11. MoonlightSonata

    contract law

    Originally, there was one, 6 credit point contracts class each semester They would probably include more contract theory (classical contract, etc) but a while back they introduced Public Law into semester 1 which reduced the 6 credit points of Contracts 1 to 3 credit points. But like asqy...
  12. MoonlightSonata

    torts assignment!!

    Assignment - 50% (includes a problem question: 65% and an essay: 35%) Final Exam - 40% Class Participation - 10% hardly a bludge..
  13. MoonlightSonata

    Just a thought

    People should really reply to someone's contentions rather than attempting to reply to (a presumption about) the person.
  14. MoonlightSonata

    torts assignment!!

    agh.. I know I have little reason to but I'm gonna regret this - but in answer to the previous 2 questions: I-color: the issue is not whether it acted negligently, rather whether it had a duty at all (we are not looking at breach of stat. duty) Kismet: recognisable psychiatric illness...
  15. MoonlightSonata

    Is it true about Latham???

    Ah... saying 'sorry' is to be taken in a sense of: X: My dad died. Y: I'm sorry. Not an admission of liability. Even so construed the law as it was then was different.
  16. MoonlightSonata

    torts assignment!!

    I don't buy it unless its recognised...
  17. MoonlightSonata

    torts assignment!!

    That's a matter of evidence, but it doesn't matter anyway - general depression isn't recoverable
  18. MoonlightSonata


    Nah it's beautiful... not as elegant as the sale of goods act.. but I like it A bible for a uniform evidence law.. I think they did a good job A 4000 word essay on s114-116 however sounds HOMICIDALLY BORING
  19. MoonlightSonata

    torts assignment!!

    That is so much clearer I vote we destroy the word 'proximity' from existence
  20. MoonlightSonata

    torts assignment!!

    This seems like a very wierd description...