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  1. soha

    favourite talk show?

    jenny jones always has the same topic like..whos the father..blah blah.. so does maury they never change its always about cheating and whos the father of the child
  2. soha

    the OC

    i love the o.c i already downloaded season one and gonna get season 2 soon
  3. soha

    favourite talk show?

    i like ricky lake the best then jenny jones i hate jerry springer makes me sick... and i love oprah..except sumtimes her shows are just boring
  4. soha

    favourite talk show?

    favourite talk show?
  5. soha

    '05 jersey names

    a total loser that everyone thought would drop out in year 10..had "i made it"...on his jersey they were all lame mostly pplz names last names..nick names 2 guys had..cheech and chong?.. sum girls had stuff like sxc_gal env_me sweet_gal all this lame stuff..the smartest girl in our...
  6. soha

    How do u tell your mate that you HATE his girlfriend??

    i hated my friends boyfriend and you shouldnt do anything about it because i ended up having a fight with her over him and we're not friends anymore because of it just leave em be..and yeah if u dont like her steer clear of her
  7. soha

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    well at our school we have 2 science rooms that are never used.. and at lunch time my friend and her boyfriend broke in and did the deed also..the same couple ...she got fingered by her b/f at lunchtime sitting up on the the basket ball courts no one had a clue anything at school is...
  8. soha

    its not fair

    ...lmfao..."big dawg"...
  9. soha

    Yasser Arafat dies in Paris hospital; age 75.

    islamically its wrong to move his grave but eventually they do plan to move him but israel isnt happy and will make it difficult i wonder where ariel sharon will be buried when he dies?
  10. soha

    Are you in a relationship right now??

    i dunno really
  11. soha

    Yasser Arafat dies in Paris hospital; age 75.

    no i dont think he might just want to SAY that however i think israel would want to deny it..
  12. soha

    Yasser Arafat dies in Paris hospital; age 75.

    theres a difference in being born somewhere and growing up somewhere i was born in lebanon but i moved to australia and grew up here he was born in jerusalem..he said so himself..
  13. soha

    Yasser Arafat dies in Paris hospital; age 75.

    you know what i think is stupid he was born in jerusalem and they say he was born in cairo i watched a short documentary on his life and the lady goes "yassir arafat claims to be born in jerusalem but most possibly born in cairo" wtf..they deny him of being born in his own homeland..oh wells...
  14. soha

    Yasser Arafat dies in Paris hospital; age 75.

    true..heaps similar why whats your family origin?
  15. soha

    Yasser Arafat dies in Paris hospital; age 75.

    i thought it was lebanese.. but its all the same.. middle eastern cuisine..meditaranian(dunno how to spell) greek etc..
  16. soha

    What's the last game you played?

    last games i played was solitare.. freecell.. spider solitare.. hearts..
  17. soha

    Arab Israeli Conflict

    bone 577 what does your name say?
  18. soha

    Pizza Deliverers!

    lately everyone i know has been getting jobs at pizza hut.. my brother in bestfriends brother my friend and his brother do they have many female delivery ppl ive never come across one but then again i dont order much pizza
  19. soha

    Ray Martin so fake

    yea but he creeps fake and stuff for an old man but i guess hes alright
  20. soha

    Ray Martin so fake

    ray martin isnt that bad...what about bert newton(im talking about how fake he looks)..hes grose