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  1. soha

    how much was ur formal dress?

    people are staying in hotels or whatever some guy is having an after party at his house because its his birthday that day.. others say they wnat to go clubbing others wnat to go to the casino then there is the poor 17 year myself who dont have much to do..because we are not legal...
  2. soha

    how much was ur formal dress?

    most girls are wearing cocktail dresses not really formal some of them not even dressing up as much as you would expect them to one just wearing a skirt and a top..but it still looks ok because our formal is a boat cruise in the city and everyone wants to go to the after party they dont...
  3. soha

    how much was ur formal dress?

    yeah heaps of the gals i know are wearing black im wearing red my other friend is wearing this kinda weird greyish purple weird colour and green seems to be a popular choice.. i wanted ot wear green..but heaps of ppl are
  4. soha

    how much was ur formal dress?

    well treat them well...
  5. soha

    how much was ur formal dress?

    $400 hundred on shoes alone? whats so special about them?
  6. soha

    Messy Room During HSC didnt think a mouse would be wandering around a room cute though
  7. soha

    Messy Room During HSC

    my room is like that walking over papers and text books but im a girly girl..i have clothes and makeup and handbags and girly stuff everywhere im not bothered to clean during hsc.. now that im nearly finished with one exam to not looking forward to clenaing it....coz i cant use the...
  8. soha

    how much was ur formal dress?

    lol yeah mine is red... i was in the city and i walked past some warehouse clothes shop at like 10pm and they were having some clearance sale and i impulse bought it for 20 bux what have you got to lose?
  9. soha

    Ok, it's time to...

    i love it when my male friend msg me in the middle of the night sometimes 5.30am sometimes 2am..sometimes midnight ...wakes me up just to say hi..or something nice like i miss you..or xox or whatever i admit it gets annoying when i wake up all the time but after a while when he hasnt msged...
  10. soha

    how much was ur formal dress?

    i dont think anyone can beat my dress $20 it was like 70% off or something then my shoes were $20 wich was on sale from $70 and i already have a bag and all that jazz all in all $40 bux i feel cheap lol
  11. soha

    part time jobs??

    i like i would have gone to bed any earlier even if i wanst working ey....but i was tired...
  12. soha

    part time jobs??

    me i work at woolworths the fresh food people been working since year 9 love my job and dont think it has effected me during year 12 except all the midnight shifts i worked which made me sleep in and miss first 2 periods the next day at school...
  13. soha

    part time jobs??

    how many people have part-time jobs where do you work? and do you think working in year 12 effected your studies?
  14. soha

    How long before you have sex?

    untill marriage
  15. soha

    Arafat is sick

    because he has puppet features
  16. soha

    Arafat is sick

    this is all political and dates back in time..and has ot do with stuff that links with stuff and also links into religon and its crazy i dont even knwo what the topic of discussion is i dont hate arafat...hes a puppet though
  17. soha

    Arafat is sick

    um ive been muslim all my life...and im female i was born into islam then i questioned my faith at around 14...then i studied judiasm and christianity and other religons like hinduism and buddism and found islam to be the one for me i dont hate jews the jewish people are our...
  18. soha

    Respect for terrorists.

    if we cant even find peace within ourselves if we cant even compramise or come to agreements or respect and understand eachother they will never have peace in the middle east there will never be world peace we all need a cup of shoosh for the time being because things are just getting...
  19. soha

    Respect for terrorists.

    back to the topic of respect for terrorists who made this thread anyway
  20. soha

    Respect for terrorists.

    well you dont have to believe me because i dont need you to believe me her father is jewish and her mother is nothing she says she is jewish why would i lie about it i have no reason to lie in these stupid forums that dont get anywhere they just make people angry and make them arseholes