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  1. soha

    Online Relationships Thread

    a friend met her boyfriend off the net just like meeting a guy anywhere she knew he wasnt a stalker(old man peddofile etc) because by the time they met they had exchanged pics and spoke on the fone and sms and emailed and even writen to eachother(via postman) they went out for 2 months...
  2. soha

    Personality Studies

    "yay" for trotsky
  3. soha

    Age Gap..

    my sister got engaged at 19 to her 18 year old boyfriend now they happily married with no worries whatsoever at 21 and 20 its cute when the guy is younger.. my friend dating a 24 year old..shes 17..its not a problem..unless you make it one
  4. soha

    what do you do with your hands?

    i dont get it?
  5. soha

    Bankstown Maths Exam

    lol funny..if i had questions like that i think maths would be more interesting something i can relate to maybe? nah..
  6. soha

    You All Must Get Firefox.

    yeah firefox is koolies
  7. soha


    i went to the toilet today during my modern exam... um..thats my story
  8. soha

    Who finished all their EXAMZZZ

    "yay"...had modern history last exam..
  9. soha

    Man cuts off own penis....

    LOL...thats weird.. there is better ways to cure a sex addiction..geez
  10. soha

    Year 12 PiCS

    here is ppl at yr 12 graduation at the front crouching down
  11. soha

    News and Politics Worst Poster Election

    soha/ahmed (vote for both with one vote!) - that 'Jewish' thing and the celebrating of the shooting of children in the back as they ran away thing landed them a nomination in this historical vote. what the fuck?
  12. soha

    2Pac Shakur

    tupac greatest hits a bit of every album fav long will they mourn me?
  13. soha


    the pontoon darling harbour some floating glass boat cruise thingy i dunno but should be good
  14. soha

    I got a job at Woolworths!!! It's the best place!

    i been working at woolies 4 3 years it has its goods and bads but i havent worked for 3 weeks so i miss it because of hsc i start again next wednesday "yay"
  15. soha

    Piercings and Tattoos

    just my ears peirced
  16. soha

    Religion : The Musical

    religon is such a sensative topic for the believers and for those in doubt it plays with many of our emotions makes me wana scream and shout everyone is entitled to their opinion and everyone has their own say and everyone wants people to think in their exact same way it sux when i...
  17. soha

    Ok, it's time to...

    i would like something random..out of the blue i think its alot sweeter because on birthdays and valentines day you expect a present and they feel they have to get you one
  18. soha

    Ok, it's time to...

    i would send him exactly what you posted maybe he already knows how you feel but if my guy sent me that 100 things he loves about me it would make my day
  19. soha

    i don't know

    im paranoid about going to hairdressers i trust them its their profession but i dont want to be misunderstood