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  1. J

    Transfer to usyd mid semester

    dont think u can i know for e.g. at UNSW you need to do 3/4 of a year at other uni before transferring (so if u start in feb 2018 then u transfer in feb 2019)
  2. J

    Got a 0 on my First assessment in year 12, is my atar ruined?

    I cant say exactly what ATAR you'll get but try considering that there are ways to get into uni if you dont make it in straight away Just focus on smashing your next few assessments so then you get a solid rank
  3. J

    Is law really that prestigous and how bad is oversuplly in it

    I think it's bc of the skills of the degree that are particularly useful and not the degree itself
  4. J

    What is then point of doing an ATAR if I want to go to tafe.

    You realise you can do HSC at TAFE as well
  5. J

    Only one-in-four students enter uni based on ATAR score, new report shows Thoughts?
  6. J

    Am I too old for uni?

    I dont think it matters You get people of all ages in uni, e.g. 3rd year uni students doing first year courses
  7. J

    Unsw law camp

    it's bc everyone wants to go to camp and they enjoy it because it's fun (and from what I heard it's the most memorable thing for most uni students)
  8. J

    Is 'Dr Du' actually a doctor?

    he probably has a doctorate degree in maths either in Australia or overseas (just a blind guess) "Doctors" are usually considered doctors either if their a practicing medical "doctor" or have a "doctorate degree"
  9. J

    An idea to decrease the number of bots

    when will this be implemented by?
  10. J

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    you can challenge someone with the old BOS trial papers
  11. J

    Is Dr DU good?

    I think it's bc students are focusing on tutoring work as opposed to school work and teachers prefer if students would focus on school work
  12. J

    Advice for Sydney Girls High School Entrance?

    just find it somewhere, copy and paste it
  13. J

    How are you planning to study all your subjects when school starts?

    Personally I think staying on top of your work (and homework) and ensuring that you arent behind the rest of the class is an effective way Also doing exam prep here and there e.g. in term 1 2018 in your half yearly you should be doing a discovery essay (or something discovery related as half...
  14. J

    Getting into UNSW

    oh right I thought u meant doing another uni before transferring to UNSW Sorry my bad (if u were to do it though u could apply for credit transfer but only if UNSW accepts you)
  15. J

    Getting into UNSW

    I dont think u can apply for UNSW in July as they usually need you to do 3/4 of a year at another uni before transferring
  16. J

    ATAR required for Medicine at UNSW

    Im sure that for UNSW med accepts 98+ ATAR with interview and UMAT Also I'm not sure if you're trying to be stereotypical and/or racist here but not all med students are asian
  17. J

    what degree should i do for being a clinical psychologist/therapist

    Usually it's a bachelor of psychology with an honours/masters degree (so 6 years in total) Please remember that when you're in your fifth or 6th year you will be required to do cbt therapy under the supervision of senior clinical psychologists
  18. J

    Tips before starting Calculus?

    I think having a solid foundation of graphing, indices and algebra would be enough Remember you need to know calculus (differentation and max and min) before you progress onto integration
  19. J

    Creative writing ideas?

    I've never done this before so take my advice to be a grain of salt Maybe a story where someone who discovers something has a changed perspective of life
  20. J

    pH meter

    Ph meters usually help as it shows you which scale is considered acidic, basic or neutral, also has the colour coding thing if I remember correctly