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  1. J

    Chemistry in Uni

    Chem in uni isn't anything like chem in HSC, chem in uni focuses on scientific concepts, labs and mathematical calculations (someone who actually studies chem at uni should help me confirm this)
  2. J

    ranks needed for 98+ ATAR

    It really depends on how many b6s your school gets every year Personally I think 3U and 4U-30/160 Eng-15/130 Phys-15/80 Chem-15/90 Bio-10/90 Again dont follow me completely I am usually wrong about this stuff 99% of the time
  3. J

    how to get a headstart in my classes

    Standard english-just read texts and rubric ahead of everyone General maths-look at youtube (eddie woo in particular) and do sample questions from the textbook PDHPE-Just read ahead and watch videos Modern Hisory-Read ahead and watch documentaries CAFS-Read ahead
  4. J

    Syllabus Changes

    Humanities, PE, CAFS, arts and geo isnt changing iirc
  5. J

    Going to UNSW, below cut-off

    I am a bit confused, did u get 91.15 or 86.15 (because you said you got 5 bonus points)
  6. J

    Do you actually need physics for chemistry at unsw?

    It's assumed There aren't any prerequisities (to my knowledge) Just do a chemistry bridging course or a first intro chem course in first yr uni
  7. J

    Would studying an undergrad of psychology be a waste of time?

    It depends on what you want to do, if you want to become a clinical psychologist then obviously it's not a waste of time but it really depends on how you approach it What do u plan to do
  8. J

    AOS in 2019

    For the new syllabus students in both advanced and standard english will be doing something called "the craft of writing" which is the common module between advanced and standard There is also a Mod C creative called the craft of writing (I believe) where you can integrate it with any of the 3...
  9. J

    Is 99.15 considered a good ATAR?

    If your brother got all rounders then that should mean something
  10. J

    Actuarial studies vs maths/Eco

    TBH I think maths/eco is better because it can get you more pathways (in terms of careers) otherwise my recommendation is to do adv maths/comp sci
  11. J

    I dropped Maths in Year 11, will I be able to survive Science at Uni?

    I don't think there are any courses that will require you to do 4u maths in uni but I suppose doing 4U maths gives you an advantage over non 4U kids, that said just bc you didnt do 4u maths doesnt mean you'll be doomed, you just need to work your arse off and ask for assistance when u need it
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    Daniel Hu's Story - Toay's SMH

    From my point of view I don't think socioeconomic status is 1 factor that can play into how well a student performs academically, you also have to consider their mental health because statistically young people aged 12-25 are most affected by illnesses like anxiety and depression and these can...
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    if u want to apply for IPT for law then it won't require LAT (as long as you're in UNSW) however you can only transfer semester 1 2019 (to my knowledge)
  14. J

    Question about transitioning from 3U into 4U Maths?

    Isn't actuarial studies classified as a commerce degree under the UNSW business school?
  15. J

    Got an atar of 41.35

    Hey mate Unfortunately you are many ATAR points away from your desired uni course but don’t worry there will be a pathway Do open universities Australia and use that credit to transfer into UNSW Basically open universities Australia is uni online except there are no Atar requirements to any...
  16. J

    Pathway to Psychology?

    I'm not entirely sure of how it works but you should contact UAC and ask them specifically Transferring from TAFE to uni is possible and you'll have to apply via UAC as well as the uni directly. They will use your TAFE marks as an "entry point" to studying psychology at whatever tertiary...
  17. J

    Year 11 2018 Prelim

    - Notes - Revision - Practice! For notes, a simple yet effective habit I adopted was summarising what was learnt in one day's lesson in a little notebook everytime I returned home. For example, I learn about differentiation one day. I would go home and just jot down in 10 minutes, the...
  18. J

    Should I repeat year 11 all over again and graduate in 2019?

    Honestly I would agree with this statement above I'm pretty sure I said this but no one cares about your HSC once you reach uni Also even if you get a super shit ATAR (like mystery mark) you can still get into uni. It's called "Open universities Australia" where you do uni online (and you can...
  19. J

    Should I repeat year 11 all over again and graduate in 2019?

    tbh idk why you would want to repeat when there's going to be a new syllabus in 2019, in fact I dont think you can repeat bc you haven't met the preliminary requirements and if you don't get into your desired uni course then dw, just do a transfer into your desired course by semester 2 2019. Im...