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  1. P

    Orientation Week 2006

    Re: 0rientation Week 50c cheaper coffee, which is 2/3rds more disgusting than a non-Union coffee.
  2. P

    Attention all USyders - VSU Information

    Re: VSU - My Two Cents Ujuphleg has pretty much posted a carbon copy of the (as yet unwritten) ISA mandate. If she really cares about preserving the Union/SRC/Sport, she would join the ISA and work with the growing number of ISA members (There's at least four posting in this thread already) to...
  3. P

    Attention all USyders - VSU Information

    I hate calling having children a "mistake". But, quite frankly, it's not fair for students to sacrifice their hard-earned earnings so that a few parents who can afford not to work anyway can put their kids into childcare.
  4. P


    There's a few threads on this issue. They're more relevant to Music 2/Ext, but the principles are the same.
  5. P

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    In the BABMusStudies degree, I complete the course requirements of the BMusStudies, plus the course requirements of a BA (Music). So two music majors (one at the Greenway building, one at the Seymour centre), and then one more Arts major from either Table A or B. And yes, it is my ambition to...
  6. P

    Cries from a Noobette --> USYD timetabling and UOS selection help!

    Not happening. The Greenway building cost $145 million to develop, and was finished in 2001. It's too new and too nice to sell. There is the option of doing a tutorial at a different time. Or in my case, do the equivalent main campus unit of study at the Seymour centre.
  7. P

    Cries from a Noobette --> USYD timetabling and UOS selection help!

    In 2004, I would have a Friday 9am class at the Con, a 10am class at Main campus, then an 11am class at the Con. The thing to do in the first few weeks is to leave the 9am class 5 minutes early, turn up to the main campus class 20 minutes late, sign in and either leave straight away (if you can...
  8. P

    Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas!

    I disagree, but the point is that we can still respect each other, and take inspiration from each other's examples.
  9. P

    Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas!

    The point is that left-wingers and right-wingers don't have to be enemies, hate each other or even have animosity whatsoever. Just because you might disagree with somebody else, doesn't make that somebody else an idiot, asshole or whatever other derogatory term you may come up with. I have...
  10. P

    Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas!

    Whether a fascist and a communist can work together is besides the point. It doesn't have anything to do with the points I'm trying to make. Considering the context of the argument, it shouldn't be that hard to see what IS the point - that even if you disagree with somebody, you can still...
  11. P

    Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas!

    You completely missed the point. Come back when you understood the point of what I wrote.
  12. P

    Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas!

    A difference of opinion does not mean one is fundamentally superior to the other. My best friend in the whole wide world is SRC councillor and The Greens/Keep Left candidate James Jansson. I might disagree with him on a lot of things, but I'll defend his intentions and his integrity until my...
  13. P

    Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas!

    The ALP has become corrupted in recent times. It doesn't mean that the ideals it was founded upon are any less for it. I believe the ALP WAS a force for social change. I believe that it is thanks to the ALP that society begun its move towards a societal structure based on community spirit...
  14. P

    Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas!

    I am NOT Latham. He's an inspiration, and a great man. But that doesn't mean I have to be a carbon copy. It's not necessarily the policies, but his ways of thinking about things, his approaches and his attitude that I respect, and aspire towards. And I don't know what you're calling...
  15. P

    Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas!

    I support USU. Honestly, I do. I just don't support the political factions that plague USU, and I don't support poor students paying $600 on demand every year. But I do believe in the right to life for unborn children, and while I wouldn't immediately legislate to make abortion illegal, I do...
  16. P

    Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas!

    I doubt that. I see a lot of similarity between Latham's values, and my own. Of course there are differences, but we aren't all clones of each other.
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    Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas!

    Not even Mark Latham, the greatest politician in Australian history, could influence the Labor Party. And he was the fucking Leader.
  18. P

    Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas!

    Leadership qualities are essential to a good musician.
  19. P

    Burn a flag :)

    Hear Hear! I've seen some absolutely fantastic flag designs for Australia. Some highlights:
  20. P

    Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas!

    I have very strong viewpoints on certain issues, yes. Certain values form the cornerstone of my leadership style, but I do know how to keep an open mind on many issues. I listen to the advice of those who know more about a specific issue than myself, and then I make a strong decision based on...