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  1. goan_crazy


    business/international studies person doing summer school with me and a business/law friend who has a friend doing IT said similar things poor it people :p
  2. goan_crazy


    i went to the camp lol where it happens, its diff i think wat happens: they plan activities, u meet people, chill out, do things its great its heaps good to meet people they told us the people u meet at law camp generally r the ones ur closest with its been true for me ive made...
  3. goan_crazy


    lol yes i heard IT camp the girls and boys there were shocking these were wat the typical people were like at IT camp, so i was told my friend talking to this girl: friend: so what do u do in your spare time girl: umm the internet friend: oh ok and what do u do on the internet girl: talk...
  4. goan_crazy


    lol i mite tell u if ur lucky :p
  5. goan_crazy


    uts law is hawt hawt hawt u gotta see my law ball pics :)
  6. goan_crazy


    lol true.
  7. goan_crazy

    Mel Gibson's Apocalypto

    my bad must have been the advance tickets on sale when looking the movies up well then i shall see it next week then.
  8. goan_crazy

    the OC

    ok lets talk about suggestions of what could happen :p how do u think the producers are gonna end it?
  9. goan_crazy

    anybody goin to UTS 2 do Bachelor of business/law?

    yeah of course what i have said a bit before law does something better we socialise with other law students at other unis with the intervarsity law parties they are awesome. UTS, UNSW, Macquarie and at the last one UOW were there also.
  10. goan_crazy

    Law Orientation Camp 2007 FAQ

    Don't worry if u can't go... u'll meet people once u start uni but anyone who CAN go, make sure u do!
  11. goan_crazy


    aw did u find out? yeh the girls are pretty:)
  12. goan_crazy

    Law degree workload

    law is alot of work i didnt lose my social life still went out every fri and sat and went to every law function except one the main thing is reading there is alot of it it depends on your subjects though and how much u actually do I managed a D average for first year so im happy :)
  13. goan_crazy


    if they find out i told u id be in trouble :p haha i was shocked with the hotness its great
  14. goan_crazy

    uni parties

    lol yes they sure do :)
  15. goan_crazy

    the OC

    yeah well im sure the producers have a suprise for us :) lookin forward to it febuary 07 end of the oc
  16. goan_crazy

    Mel Gibson's Apocalypto

    I'm sure i saw tickets on sale i dunno but there was a preview for it in Babel tho so i dunno.
  17. goan_crazy


    Oh my bad I might have got it if i was watching all of it haha
  18. goan_crazy

    workload in blaws/ bbusiness/blaws

    with your friends from uni...
  19. goan_crazy


    lol wat if its the same place? na they hav stuff planned but its awesome and u go to the beach :) UTS Law people, are HOT! :p ull c best mix of people
  20. goan_crazy

    the OC

    we'll we'll just see what happens then i guess hope its good :)