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  1. goan_crazy

    uni parties

    theres only been 2 first one at the eastern-kings cross-best law party ever and the 2nd cargo bar-cockle bay wharf law ball-for UTS was at daulton house with the afterparty at dragonfly kings cross good times < 3 law.
  2. goan_crazy

    the OC

    because they don't care anymore? the shows already been cancelled and they reckon no ones watching anymore so why not it could be disappointing...
  3. goan_crazy

    O week 07

    O'Week 2007 During O'Week UTS Union brings you free food, entertainment and more! This is a great introduction to campus life at UTS so be sure not to miss out. There'll be over 60 clubs and societies on display with a variety of club activities; bands; DJ's; sports comps and games...
  4. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread maybe they send it in the mail woohoo so we'll c soon
  5. goan_crazy

    Law Orientation Camp 2007 FAQ

    06ers doing law, U guys should come to law camp, Orientation Camp 2007 - FAQ-from the UTS Website What happens at the camp? The Law Orientation Camp has a great program of activities, informative, academic and social, designed to help you make the transition to university study. There will...
  6. goan_crazy


    law camp was awesome i loved it i talked to about 3 people before law camp i met heaps of people there the main friends u make are the ones u meet at law camp my best girl, friend, i met at law camp its heaps of fun where at is a suprise :P we only found out on the day :) they don't...
  7. goan_crazy

    the OC

    iwonder how they are gonna end it all? what do u guys think? big season finale? or something lame.
  8. goan_crazy

    Mel Gibson's Apocalypto

    so has anyone seen it yet? i saw Babel 2nite instead of it :|
  9. goan_crazy


    whos seen this what do u think? i thought it was quite weird but not too bad saw it instead of Apocalypto tho :(
  10. goan_crazy

    the OC

    first time i was actually disapointed with an OC episode i saw it on sat dloaded from US but next weeks the french connection looks better
  11. goan_crazy

    workload in blaws/ bbusiness/blaws

    LPH is hard and a bitch of a subject 2 2 hour lectures anda 2 hour seminar but yea 1st year isnt 2 bad 2nd year i think will be much harder the UTS law society runs parties a couple of times a semester not every week but everyone always goes to glasshouse bar :) before/after...
  12. goan_crazy

    uni parties

    yeh the main parties r ok lol i remember goin to the pimp it up party for last years orientation week :| i like uts law parties but and the intervarsity law parties with UNSW, UTS and Macq r the best :)
  13. goan_crazy

    uni bar in building 10

    its just past the union cafeteria in markets campus
  14. goan_crazy

    So i choose UTS over USYD or UNSW.

    UTS Law parties are awesome :D
  15. goan_crazy

    anybody goin to UTS 2 do Bachelor of business/law?

    haha don't think so mate friends in my course got 99 UAIs and UNSW knocked em back. so welcome to UTS...
  16. goan_crazy

    workload in blaws/ bbusiness/blaws

    well first year law subjects suck :p i got a HD for 1 - legal research and a pass for the other-LPH ull hate LPH haha thank god i never have to do that again! but yea im happy with first year overall for business and law, D average :) but thats gonna change this year with everything...
  17. goan_crazy

    anybody goin to UTS 2 do Bachelor of business/law?

    I know someone who mite dunno if she has BOS tho :p
  18. goan_crazy

    workload in blaws/ bbusiness/blaws

    I enjoyed first year in b business/b laws some subjects u have to do u wont like but it happens the workload is much more than school but its good ull get used to it im lookin forward to 2nd year went to every law social event except 1. the intervarsity law parties with macquarie, UNSW...
  19. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Results Time' Thread yeh 2 2hour lec and a 2 hour seminar damn LPH.
  20. goan_crazy

    the OC

    well the US episode aired yesterday so maybe channel 10 will show it next tues? unless its taking a break like other shows and airing at the end of jan.