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  1. flipsyde

    What would you prefer to call your teachers by?

    usually its just Miss or Sir.... but Ive also called a few by their first name and also Hey you, and Oi nicknames MrB, Uh... Hey (ITM) Earthy, Earthyboy (Math) Finno, Finnas (English) Beaves (Bio) Barbs (Principal.. but never to her face) Vincy (My yr9 History Teacher) Kenny...
  2. flipsyde

    biology is basically a bludge period

    I thought it was a bludge and was comming 3rd etc etc .. but it really hits you in yr12 and theres a lot to take in. Bio isnt a bludge and I made that mistake and my rank fell cos I couldnt be bothered cos I thought it was a bludge... dont make the same mistake as me.
  3. flipsyde

    Repair or Buy-monitor PITCH BLACK when game started!!~~~~

    I had to replace my desktop monitor (17") was $150
  4. flipsyde

    Essays and Questionaires

    Im appling for bachelor of Arts Multimedia and I have to list my 5 fave sites (as well as do all sorts of other things including portfolio and questionare). Heh of course Im putting but what other ones shud I put? I mean I like strongbad etc but should I really be...
  5. flipsyde


    thankyou so much I had no idea... Im guessing I have to dress good to ay? Oh and what would be some good motives.. cos what I thought of was gaining the skilsl and knowlegde to oneday own my own company... but if we shuddnt say that then what shud we say?
  6. flipsyde

    for those who have finished exams

    I used 1 pen the whole time (a pen they gave us for gaduation) and it still has plenty of ink in it.
  7. flipsyde

    Censorship on school computers

    we only have msn and emessenger sites blocked... everything else stays as is. w00t! 300 posts ... senior member!
  8. flipsyde

    Graduated. I want to teach now.

    and have a baby that looks like the one in ur av Funny
  9. flipsyde


    Hey guys n' girls... I'm going for an interview for a University and I have to have a portfolio (which I have) Im not worried about that part Im worried about what kinds of questions will they ask me? and how should I answer them?
  10. flipsyde


  11. flipsyde


    ha I was almost too lazy to hand mine in but my Curriculum co-ordinator tracked me down and made me do it :p
  12. flipsyde

    Is anyone here in your exam room?

    741 Mount Saint Joseph..... W00t! same school as Jay9nine
  13. flipsyde

    Industry Notes

    Occupational Health and Safety Occupational health and safety (OHS) rules and regulations are set by the government to ensure the wellbeing of all workers in an industry. It also ensures that the workers have a safe environment. Statistics show that 95% of all in the workplace could have...
  14. flipsyde

    Industry Notes

    Organisation Structure Decisions are made by management in an organisation in order to properly regulate its business. These management structures are generally hierarchical. The most common structures are Pyramid, Flattened, Functional, Divisional and Federal Decentralised. Pyramid...
  15. flipsyde

    Industry Notes

    Personnel issues In a business there are many issues regarding personnel that need to be taken into consideration. These issues include Equal Employment Opportunities, Industrial regulations (award wages and allowances), types of employees like apprentices, full/part-time employees...
  16. flipsyde

    Industry Notes

    Hey here are some industry study notes that I thought might be helpful- Its mainly for multimedia but some of it can be changed into other parts of Industrial tech by replacing a few words. Enjoy. This is just some stuff you'd have to research it more or you can ask me. I also offer tutoring if...
  17. flipsyde

    Names on Multi Choice

    thats what I was thinking
  18. flipsyde

    Who is confused & lost?

    Yeah i feel kinda lost at the mo with nothing to do.. but Im going away soon so with so much to do I dont think ill be lost for long. But I know how you feel. To tell you the truth and to cut a long story short Im currently 'clear minded' I froget the technical term to it... but its where you...
  19. flipsyde

    What did every1 make for major works?

    Funk Master.... you can make a powerpoint presentation if you want to... Im just offering my advice... you also get marked on the degree of difficulty of the project. Make it as a slideshow if you want... but I dont recommend it. In the end its your choice and goodluck with that :) But Im...
  20. flipsyde

    Names on Multi Choice

    Did anyone notice that you name was on the multiple choice paper? why was that and arent we not supposed to be identified? and what happens with those blue slips that we sign.. theyre recipts right? why dont we get to keep them?