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  1. flipsyde

    HSC paper practically identical to Catholic Trial

    What can you do? I did the catholic trial, but I agree to the disadvantage. But What can be done? They cant make us all do it again can they? (plz plz no.. I fluked it).
  2. flipsyde

    When did you leave?

    I left with about 40mins left. I was about the 6th to leave. I thought i wouldn thave enough time to do it all but ha.... I did. That and I have a hand injury and screwed my hand so it was hard for me to write and hurt too much for me to continue writting, then I ran out of ideas... ha Yeah...
  3. flipsyde

    hmmm uais

    like we've all said... Yeah you CAN get a band 6 but its very difficult... Im going to get a band 6:p (hoepfully)
  4. flipsyde

    Ebay Question

    heh thanx.. I was actually gonna sell not buy... thanx guys
  5. flipsyde

    Ebay Question

    Hey on EBAY... when you register.. you have to give personal details such as address and Phone number... does everyone see that or is it kept private?
  6. flipsyde

    What do you look for in a girl/guy?

    Looks dont really matter to me.. although I admit if they were fugly it would turn me off... however, They still have a chance if they got the right personality... Unless they happen to look like Mick Jagger then they have no chance.
  7. flipsyde

    Modern Historians

    hope u went well to :)
  8. flipsyde

    Modern Historians

    Do you thin kit matters if we made our historians up?
  9. flipsyde

    [B]study timetable; want or need?[/B]

    I made a study timetable and didnt stick to it... AT ALL!!! haha Dint study much. W00t!
  10. flipsyde

    Degree In A Day 2004

    where is this?
  11. flipsyde

    Returning Books

    Hey Im returning all my books 2morrow and Ive found 11 of my 12 textbooks. Do you think Ill get away with losing it.... I have 5 text books for that subject... anyone got any ideas as to how I can pull it off? What happens if we dont get signed out?
  12. flipsyde

    HSC paper practically identical to Catholic Trial

    I agree. noticed that. I did a practice paper for agrippina and then sat the HSC exam and was like .... huh?
  13. flipsyde

    grk_styl: New Moderator

    hiya .
  14. flipsyde

    Relax......Take a deep breath......

    heh Im not stressed... I dont really give a shit... w00t for apathy!!!
  15. flipsyde

    Who having trouble memorising

    true that... still doesnt take away from the fact THAT I KNOW NOTHING AND THE EXAM IS TOMORROW!!! and im screwed:p
  16. flipsyde

    Who having trouble memorising

    or a boring teacher... dont get me wrong shes nice and all but sooooooooo BOOOOORING!!!
  17. flipsyde


    Thankya :)
  18. flipsyde

    Who having trouble memorising

    My brain is just retain anymore info. Its so tired and doesnt wanna do it. I was a wreck for the trials... I almost gave in. Im so drained.. Last exam ... w00t!
  19. flipsyde

    what do girls think!

    Its called Stockholm Syndrome. Its like..... just click here
  20. flipsyde

    Who having trouble memorising

    Im having so much trouble remember ing it. I have studied it... I have.. but I cant remember it. Ive been studying for about a week and its all gone :(