I'm sure it's possible to do well with 10, as dp is indicative of. I just personally consider the safety net of 12 more valuable than the extra time given by 10 units. Plus a guy in our school got state listed for 12 units. thats pretty cool. although he did 14, and didnt get a uai of 100 since...
For me: Slouching towards Nirvana, by Charles Bukowski.
For English: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Waiting for Godot by Beckett
The Spy Who Came In From the Cold by LaCarre
Our school doesn't even allow 10 units. And with good reason - unless you are REALLY struggling with the workload, doing 12 units (Im doing 14right now but thats excessive, stick to 12) is better. It's true you can concentrate more on each unit if you do 10 units, but with only 10 units there is...
He shouldn't have to resign unless he feels like it. His performance may not have been up to par, but this is legally a 4 year term in which Labor has the right to implement any changes it wishes, popular at the time or not. At the end, you guys can vote Liberal. That's the right in a democracy...
It is possible to do well with general maths, there are loads of people who do. It doesn't scale well, but that's alright if you do really really well in it.
But standard english i would not recommend unless you are REALLY struggling with english. Because even if you come first in standard...
Oh well of course then. I mean I'm trying for law/commerce and I doubt I could do that with food tech. But as long as you don't need that high a UAI, go for it. Do what you love.
I agree.
It might not have been very good of her to disrepect the Aboriginal customs. But I'm sure she had no idea of what those customs were, so you can't hold her accountable. She would never have done it if she had known - for the simple fact that she would have anticipated and tried to...
Your HSC is, sad as it is, mostly about the mark. It's possible to do well in food tech but it's hard.
It's not REALLY about helping you live a better life. Food tech is a wonderfully valuable life skill, in my opinion. But I'd never do it for the HSC because it's too mcuh effort to do well in.
Seriously people. You cannot prove God's existence. Neither can you disprove it. Not because it exists/doesnt exist. But because it is impossible for there to be direct evidence one way or another. You either have faith or you don't. That's it. Stop arguing!