Hmm. There's about 20 really bright guys (we got 4 UAI of 100 and 5 on 99.95, our top 20 gets above 99.90 usually) and it breaks down to 30-40 above 99, 100ish above 95, 140ish above 90. Depends what you mean by deadbeats, but i'd say then about 20 guys? which is about 12%, sad enough.
tired. Dreamchasing isn't easy."
ok thats technically two sentences, and three lines. BUT its all kinda one line(ish) in spirit and it wouldnt make sense if i just gave the last line.
Hahaha same here. Pity, though, that i came about 74th in maths last terms exam. Ahh well, as long as I'm back into top 40 for maths in our school I'm guaranteed at least above 90.
I'm willing to claim we have the best teachers in NSW, woo! But apart from sounding good and meaning it costs a lot of money to go to, it doesn't really help that much, we still get beaten by Ruse ect every year. So its the intelligence and workload of the students that makes the UAI, not the...
FDI is foreign direct investment, that foreign companies invest into another nation's economy by infrastructure or company financing. (is that too general?)
What does the IMF do?
Well I'm hoping for 49 or 50. Because scaling is actually surprisingly bad for English4 so you need 49 just to scale to above 45. And your own teachers arent really allowed to mark it, nor are other teachers from your school (I've tried) so do what i've done and if you know any people in other...
Re: Israeli Gaza Airstrikes
I'm doing my extension history project on Palestine in 1948. And from what i can see so far, both sides have done atrocities. Both then and now.