Me too- a missed entry stooge and his course is so shity i am doing it this year and heaps of other winners - we enjoyed the clinic in sydney
Look at these idiots too who endorse his course - losers?
Smack on the money boris - wooz is a plant who seems to interested in irrelevant stuff for what reason ? - he is ranting about underground? where does this rot come from - i got telephone and email support last night as did many i am sure - woozy rantys about bankrupt as if thsi has anything to...
Dont bother with the discount - the icarus course which works is 495 straight up and the one to do - they must be desperate for students it seems - you know the old gag 8000 dollars but if you bring 100 people its only 1000 dollars and thats a huge saving - aha - this one gets me - if it works...
Woozy - missed entry stooge - read my posts hes very alive and well - i was at his sydney clinic - hes too gutsy and i dont reckon a summons to shut him up will do any good - he ahtes people ripping off students and it says on his website that he has won all 7 motions - interesting - he posted...
Ay boris - we love you and want to live with you in the carpathian mountains forever - aaaaaaaaah - dont lean too far or ill bite your neck - dont mention bats or i become uncontrollable like my friend basilly who drank too much bats blood - thats what we told him but the blood was coloured...
You can do physio in some places without umat and orthotics and med science - dont know about the salary but i heard its extremely good for orthotics
Hold on - i know heaps of stuidents in years 1-2-3 at unsw who did do icarus so whoa - i dont think dallas might be embarrassed about this - i reckon he is pleased
Not a bad guess - but my copy reads - stamp out medentry lies - im guessing they will become public knowledge eventually - monash students started them and they are very convincing as to who copied what and from where but best you get back to your studies bacilly
I reckon the list below is the best all round for getting stuck into umat preparation - you needn't do any course but of course if you spend another year doing one trying to get a place then the 500 odd bucks below is a very small amount imo - mr d also recommends -- test your iq written by...
Good stuff bacilli as this has been proven by missed entrys somel files showing the sources - needless to say i was caught last year - done a lot of research though and - allo allo - icarus questions are impossible to find so far by google searching - peace bacilli and are you making a coming...
Sorry bacilli - why do you hang around here my - missed entry stooge - werent you supposed to banned for your foul mouth as i recall from reading earlier posts - hmmmm - i wonder what prevaricator means - i hope i spelt it ok - aha - I'm all for stamping out MedEntry's lies as well - i hate...
icarus - sujee - the missed entry questions have been ripped off the internet - and sold as highly researched originals - wait til the court case crunches this pack of lairs - icarus is for getting in - missed entry even got caught by google for spamming i see
At a sydney clinic today - medentry ios down the gurglker -evryone knows they are selling questions ripped off the internet - i do now as well but i got caught last year - quite a few missed entry victims at the weekend clinic i attended - wow is all i can say - the word in sydney seems to be...
Hi Msomana - take your points - i have the somel files (stamp out medentry lies) at last and have the rpoof of where over 500 medentry questions weere copied from - i think the court case will flush them down the toilet fro ripping off so many students with thes esupposedly higly researched...