I am still peeved from doing Medentry with 2 friends last year - we all missed entry without an interview and many section 2 questions are questionable to say the least - we are all on icarus this year and we can use tests multiple times as well as the support is unbelievable - i get emails from...
Not good enough for me and 2 friends last year - the practise exams can only be used once -we are all on icarus this year and the practise exams can be used as many times as you want but i reckon not to go over them a lot as this might give you a false sense of security just knowing the same...
Did missed entry last year with 2 friends - we are all in icarus champions this year - i didnt read properly last year - enough said - nice doesnt mean anything to me - iwant to get in this time - dallas can do what he wants as long as i get in - i heard he is into homework as in heaps and heaps...
No way bacilli - i did missed entry last year and i am now doing icarus this year - the materials are different - believe me -check this out also - medentry tells lies about endorsements to pump up their course
Dont be scared as dallas is great from my homework at monash uni. he likes hard workers and the court crap is absolute crap. we did missed entry last year and 3 of us are now trying icarus which is fine so far. icarus actually taught the medentry medical students and after reading the SOMEL...
3 of us did missed entry last year -i f they use the same notes for private tutoring as they did in the workshop give it a miss is my advice - i have seen all their notes and know where they have copied many from as well - disappointing but i only found out after the workshop
I did medentry with 2 friends and we all blew it. This year we are doing icarus and after reading the SOMEL files I pity anyone who isn't doing icarus.
we got ripped paying for medentry copied questions last year thinking they were original??? Read the SOMEL files and you will know what I mean...