Never sat the UMAT before -you seem to know little about it and expect acers practice questions to do it?
Please give it a rest - credibility suffering and what is your name and contact details please as i have contatcs at every 7/11 store aust wide.
sheesh - please - please - are you really a...
The link proves that a girl advised people not to do medentrys course?
you need to write to write to aussie unis and tell them to have their names withdrawn from the global imed base as it is dodgy like you - aha
It was lies like that that stuffed me and 2 friends up last year Wooz - are you giving out the refunds? ICARUS seems straight up and does stacks of missed entry reruns - im busy emailing them right now - we have 5 in one clinic - omg - at least i wasnt the only sucker last year
I disagree as i have 2 friends currently studying at VCM and the media caught themselves out i have been told?
The amc are probably behind as most big institutions like unis are - anyway an imed search soon reveals facts from fiction - of course a med degree can be studied in 160 weeks - add up...
Hi Msomana- all doctors are in the australian whitepages i am informed - i cannot release the SOMEL files i read but i will try to get you an email address
Goodbye Bacilli - we will miss your foul mouthed contributions like the plague - without people like you this forum will be a more pleasant place to post - many genuine people come here to hopefully - read some TRUTH
Hi Wooz - once the facts surface in court you can hide away shame faced - at least according to the SOMEL files I have read - Monash meddies know the TRUTH -ICARUS has won all 7 motions in court since 2004 - aha - damn those doctors keep giving him endorsements - hmmm - wonder why? - when i...
Ed Boyapati is sure full of it hey?®ion=OC&rname=Oceania%2FPacific+Islands&psize=25
I reckon missed entry con days will stop...
Missed entry aint better - did it last year - dodgy is a good word - read this and you will beging to know the truth - it hurt me - but this year im going with SUPPORT - at 11pm or 2am is the go
Heaps of students overseas study med offshore then sit a usmle or amc and register in western countries - i believe the vanuatu college of medicine is an imed registered instiutution which makes it as legitimate as any - happy to be anyone's bitch as long as they get me into med - can you do the...
Hi Lucid - I read that Medentry have lost all 7 motions in court over the last few years - have you read this page? - it sort of tells me that someone is telling whoppers - what do you reckon? - outside info and verifiable
Msomana - Training for visuo spatial skills - if you think thats funny - dallas also encourages would be surgeons to play computer games for the same purpose - not talking about selection tools but developing skills?
Hi Preity - SOMEL files is a document showing the history of how medentry ripped off questions from all over the internet from various books - it gives the medentry exam question as well as the source - 3 monash med students have circulated it to make students doing prep courses from medentry...
Re: Umat
Suraci is an additional program to superkeeneye that icarus uses to encourage lateral thinking at speed - it uses icons and numbers - i was told by dallas at icarus that it also develops visuo spatial skills highly sought after in doctors and dentists - its fun to use and i cant...
Partelephant - use your mind -How does he forge this - isnt this all checkable?
I stuffed up last year with crap hype - not this year - i think missed entrys lies will soon be revealed to the world
Dr Deepak Williams B.Sc., MBBS, FRCS(London), FRCS(Edin), FRCS(Glasg), FRACS, FRACS(Vasc)...
Basilly - Are you from the Boyapati family - sure sounds like - You know missed entry just doesn't work - people are finally wising up - too late for me - nearly $500 blown. Medentry question developers don't need to sit any exams - their exams questions are ripped off and modified? Havent you...
Hi VCE - ICARUS seems to havethe best section 2 socres from what i've seen.
Give them a call and see what they offer - S2 with medentry was crap for me last year.