I put ww2 for the same reasons as oz, but then again they did support ww1 as well (just the compulsory conscription bit is a bit debatable) and they supported vietnaw too because communism is evil, d should have been an 'all of the above option' =/
Phil Bonner
"A central lesson is that apartheid and segregation were constructed; they did not simply
arise naturally out of any automatic sense of racial exclusiveness or superiority."
"Nelson Mandela saved this country from a nightmarish civil war, which could have...
· The German historian Kolb argued that Ebert, and governments that followed, failed to reduce the influence of the traditional power elites such as the army, the industrialists and the Junkers, and allowed them to maintain their position in republican Germany.
· Other important historians such...
If anyone can be bothered reading
olume: 35 Issue: 11 November 1985 pp23-23History Today Volume: 35 Issue: 11
November 1985 pp23-23
Historic attachments to heroic leadership combined with a mastery of propaganda
techniques to mesmerise Germany into acceptance of...
Germany did not lose the war because of Allied superiority of economies and armed forces, but because the Allies could mobilise their economies, armed forces and maintain moral support. Other factors that influenced Germany’s defeat include: Hitler’s failure to adjust Germany for Total War; the...
Bit of this bit of that putting off stuff the price is right is on, i have the worst exam timetable ever stupid just sitting around. god i want to go to the movies, and whats with all the Tenille's geez im not likeing this.
Hmmm they should play little hsc facts during the music, that will really annoy me. stupid ihug make me wait for hours with that stupid musi and facts, yay for whoever we are with now!
Write a letter to one of the composers of the texts you have read in the reading task. present your point of view on the ideas they have expressed.
'It is not the journey in your life, but the life in your journey that matters' write a speech to a group of people explaining this...