No single bloody war had the complete support of every bloody religious denomination. hmmm i said bloody twice in a sentence, i think im done with this question. its one mark
Initially both catholics and protestants (im talking the majority not individuals) agreed with vietnam, it was only over time that peace movements developed
Umm well after the horrors of ww1 there were attempts to make peace to avoid war again -> League of nations, is effective in some ways (did solve a few minor things) but on the whole wasent that effective cause ww2 happened.
What are you exactley asking??
Article: Memories & dreams by R white & P russell
History plays a crucial part in our understanding of ourselves, our society and our future and is thus a powerful ideological weapon, constantly being reworked.
But academic historians have become more uncertain about this role. they have...
Well we did all 3 but most people focused on rites of passage in their study, oh dear dodgey lent and ramadan essays yay! but i just did my trial essay again but tried to make it make more sense, i couldent remeber much on lent though oh well still did 2 paragraphs on it