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  1. santaslayer

    A Game: Battleground God

    You have reached the end! Congratulations! You have made it to the end of this activity. You took 1 direct hit and you have bitten zero bullets. The average player of this activity to date takes 1.39 hits and bites 1.11 bullets. 315776 people have so far undertaken this activity. Click...
  2. santaslayer

    Martial Arts

    The number of years is impressive, yes. The skills aren't, sadly. :p
  3. santaslayer

    Premium Memberships

    thats so true. good thing i neva said anything about donating...:p
  4. santaslayer

    Martial Arts

    I do wushu. Have done it for almost 11 years. Wushu is the general term for chinese martial arts. really intepreted to the 'art of war'.. dont really have belts or grading system...u progress onto harder styles as the 'sifu' (master) sees fit. ive also started sanda or sanshou...a branch of...
  5. santaslayer

    Premium Memberships

    Why do people want study notes in the first place? Are most of you incapable of creating your own which you can actually comprehend? If you're willing to pay then good on you, otherwise, stop complaining. A lot of people are haggling over a very good service. A lot of people are in need...
  6. santaslayer

    Law Week

    UoW4Lyf UoW4EVA
  7. santaslayer

    Daylight Savings

    Uh my clock changed again today after i changed it back to the correct time yesterday... my computer is posessed
  8. santaslayer

    Couple ordered to divorce after sleep talking episode

    So the woman can fuck another guy for 103 days before getting back with her inital husband? Kool...:p I have sigs turned off...lalala
  9. santaslayer

    Love/hate relationship

    ahahahhaha... threesome!
  10. santaslayer

    Criminals posing as police pull over man, rob and rape ensues

    If no such laws in this country exists, I would strongly agree to looking into it more and attempt to implement something similar to the American system. One incident every blue moon is more than enough to trigger some sort of consideration. You make it sound insignificant. It is terrifying...
  11. santaslayer

    label snubbing

    That is so true. :) Although I have to question whether the items you got were genuine or not. :p Even same fashion labels distribute different types of styles in different countries. By the time Australia gets something 'new', it's been circulated trhough Japan, HK, Singapore, Malaysia...
  12. santaslayer

    Daylight Savings

    OK, answered my own question :p: Stoopid games.
  13. santaslayer

    Daylight Savings

    Hey, did everyone's computer automatically switch to daylight saving time for this week? I've talked to a lot of people and either their computers or mobile phones have been changed to an hour earlier. WTF is happening?
  14. santaslayer

    Will dropping a unit decrease my chances of tranferring next yr

    Can you actually complete and rip only one subject and submit that for tranbsfer application? :p
  15. santaslayer

    The "HA! It is possible that I may fail" thread

    I'd say some computing subjects need that much time. Pierotte, you can't go from thinking that you can get a HD to getting a fail result. You'll probably get something in between. That's way more realistic.
  16. santaslayer

    Magistrates plagarise too!

    A choice? OMFG!
  17. santaslayer

    white lie or truth??

    But if she questions your white lie then ur equally screwed. :p
  18. santaslayer

    Law Week

    Real Property sounds gay. EDIT: I haven't done any Property so the word "Real" may or may not have any significance. I may look stoopid now. :p EDIT 2: El Misterio, what's taking you so long in completing your double degree? Are you employed fulltime in a firm?
  19. santaslayer

    how do i bring up my eng adv mrks

    1) Your introduction should accurately convey how you interpret the question. From there on, you are free to answer the question as broadly or specificly as you like, provided that your interpretation is within range of the criteria. 2) Most things you write will have no right or wrong...
  20. santaslayer

    What if someone cheats................

    You are only upset because you did not gain anything from your friend's cheating. You are simply annoyed and jealous that they were aided whilst you were not. Next time, be smarter and sit closer to your friends so you gain something from it as well. Alternatively, you may do your best and...