What is the point of going to university? Fair enough, a lot do it for the pure hardcore study. The majority though, go for a career. A hopeful start. That start will be (according to your reputable email) diminished significantly.
I'm suppose to be on your side.
1) That's just your perception on law students as a whole. Have you ever considered the way you treat other people? Surely, you may treat the majority os people with respect, but your biases towards most law students may lead to your distorted perception.
2) If you can pull the good law...
They might as well close down if they are planning to shut careers services out. What's the use of a uni if it can't help students start on their career? Are you sure this email is credible?
hmmm interesting...
have an assignment due on police powers so thought id come back to BoS to see if i could find the piece of legislation i talked about...
might come back for more discussion later...
after the assingment maybe. :p
Uhhh Minter Ellison is actually a killer law firm in many countries...whih one are u talking about? london, HK, Australia, sa francisco, china?
coz the one u r talking about seems to be based in NZ?
1) Differentiating Barristers from Solicotors is hardly detail. Esp for an auditor wannabe.
2) Your examples initally only included people who were earning the most in their field. Eg. The top earning accountant, the top earning solicotor. Involving the top earning Barister is not detail but...
Accountants, economists and Business people all turn to lawyers in one form or another. We save their arses from being whipped by other people or government authorities that hire the intellect of another lawyer.
Most law students are not full fee paying. lol
Just because high status...
The UAC guide is very specific with Graduate law in most universities.
From memory, 25% UAI and 75% GPA.
Honours or anything higher usually guarantees entry.
GPA is very important.
Different universities may have different assumptions on your level of maths for entry into a certain course. Unless it it s a requirement, you do not need to follow their recommendation.
Ask the UAI question in the relavent forum.