Not really.
Recently I had to go through the initial handing of resume, go through a 45min phone screening process (they ask you questions out of the blue and you answer on the spot), a one on one interview in George St and a 10min phone call to both my referees asking me about my abilities...
The other dude didn't do anything wrong. Best man wins. You weren't publicly seen to be a couple yet. She still had a choice. She chose the other dude. \
This thread is starting to sound like some sorta revenge discussion.
3G -streaming video and video calling and 24/7 internet access.
did u know all 3G fones are broadband internet thingys?...connect it to ur computer via usb and omg...!!
like $5/month for service...extra charges for megabytes d/l =expensive
If prestige is a major contributor to UAI's then ANU wouldn't have such low cutoffs for their law degrees. Proximity is also a factor. Just because the university is prestigous does not equate to massive UAI's.
The example was used to illustrate what I meant. It has served its purpose.
lemme put it this way:
IT degrees were well into the 90's (in some unis) before the IT bubble bust. Now they're in the mere 80's. So r u saying the IT degrees in those USED to be prestigous but are not currently?
I thought the English syllabus was quite Ok once you got to understand what the markers wanted.
The texts we studied weren't exactly crap. We did a wide variety of texts, some archaic crap (which very few seem to understand),some popular film and novel cross comparative study, and half a...
3 is good for me.
nothing wrong.
me on $22 plan with LGU880
me get $22 worth of free calls
me get 150 free SMS'/month
me get free 3 to 3 calls for 300mins/month.
me have 4 people with 3G accounts which means 1200mins free in total. (any one of the users can use the free credits)
me can...
My point was never about James Ruse being the only school that caters for university pathways. My point was that James Ruse is one of the main schools who have a majority of people entering university.
I never disagreed with you on the point of the high school's aim. I see no reason why you...
What other sources do you require when picking a university course other than your own personal choice? The UAC guide provides one with all the university courses the institutions cater for. The potential job opportunities are also listed within the guide and in many other internet related...
wtf debating about salaries is pointless and full of nothing but shit.
articles relating to salaries are also shit
the truth is, u wont know what u earn until u get ur arse into the job market.
no one here is anywhere near becomming an IB or auditor
so wtf r u all ranting on about...