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  1. melsc

    The 'What are these units like?' Thread- 2007

    What are these like? Law206 Law104 SOC361 and SOC 372
  2. melsc

    Fitness First Contract: Payment

    I agree, it doesn't matter if you used it or not, if you sign a contract agreeing to pay for a membership you cant claim the money back if you dont use it. Looks like their was valid consideration, a promise to pay later can be valid consideration your friend should ensure they understand...
  3. melsc

    Enrolments for semester 2

    I've tried and despite meeting the pre-reqs its saving I haven't!
  4. melsc

    Semester 1 2007 results thread!

    Trust me thats all I did different. Your marks are still good, its much harder to get higher marks at uni they don't give them out as often. Took me ages to accept it.
  5. melsc

    Semester 1 2007 results thread!

    Its also about getting used to uni, your marks will improve as you progress.
  6. melsc

    Semester 1 2007 results thread!

    Handbook, Units, look up the course code. Prereq will be on the unit page http://handbook.mq.edu.au/units.php?edition=2007&level=ug
  7. melsc

    Semester 1 2007 results thread!

    congrats to all *hugs*
  8. melsc

    Semester 1 2007 results thread!

    super happy, I exceeded my expectations
  9. melsc

    Semester 1 2007 results thread!

    Year Study Period Unit Title Mark Grade Description Credits 2007 First Half Year LAW 204 Contracts 83 D Distinction 3 2007 First Half Year POL 167 Thinking Politically 85 HD High Distinction 3 2007 First Half...
  10. melsc

    Semester 1 2007 results thread!

    i know its cruel
  11. melsc

    hard from dry sex?

    :uhhuh: its amazing sometimes. I'll be having a d&m with my b/f and it will happen even though he doesn't intend it to.
  12. melsc

    Semester 1 2007 results thread!

    Predictions: Soc236:Credit SOC233: Pass POL 167:Credit/Distinction LAW204:Credit/Distinction We will see how it goes.
  13. melsc

    When do we get out results?

    What time are results up because it says the day but not the time?
  14. melsc

    unit selection question

    I think you wont have any problems enrolling in the unit but they will teach the subject as if everyone has the assumed knowledge and thus you will have to be prepared for it.
  15. melsc

    Official "Blah Blah" UWS thread

    I am just going to put this out there. Please do not make this into a 'is UWS a crap uni' thread, if you feel you need to justify your choice for staying/not staying at UWS to people who don't even really know you its just childish. I will have enough trouble keeping this forum free from that...
  16. melsc

    All you wanna be lawyers...

    My Intro to Law academic said to us, "In many years to come when you have become bitter, twisted and cynical go and do some community legal work to remember why you started!" Its true though 1 and a half years at uni and I am already cynical
  17. melsc

    LAW 203 Torts

    I shouldn't be that bad from the sound of things . Like iwannarock mine had a 3hr exam which wasn't open book we could only have an a4 paper and it covered both commonlaw and CLA, was in first year while doing intro to law.
  18. melsc

    All you wanna be lawyers...

    Yeah, its a little disconserting that their is a specific offence for assaulting/murdering a prosecutor or their family but meh...I'm tough...right...
  19. melsc

    People doing law for the $$$/career prospects

    ^ Ahh I hate to see my old posts, I really was such an anoying weirdo, I make me sick lol. I did realise to an extent that I wasn't getting the real deal (esp because I did work experience at Legal Aid not at al glamorous) but studying law now puts it much more in perspective. I'm still...
  20. melsc

    LAW 203 Torts

    I didn't do Torts at Macquarie but I did it at UWS and it should be pretty much the same. Its not too difficult, if you have done contracts I would say it isn't much more difficult that contracts. It is similar as there are defined elements for a Tort. I hope I helped relaxed u a bit and hope...