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Search results

  1. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    =/ Every year, about ten Year 7s come with those. I want to slap them.
  2. Jachie

    Does any1 regret not bludging enough in yr 10??

    I do not feel guilty for bludging TOO much. Yay?
  3. Jachie

    '07 Preliminary Roll Call

    There's no way this should be moved to NS. All forums here have "roll calls", I don't see why we can't. Oh, that's right. Mods hate us. :( TWINZ! :wave: Wow, you go to NIDA? I have a friend who went to an open day of theirs and was going to do an afterschool course, but I think she decided...
  4. Jachie

    '07 Preliminary Roll Call

    *runs into your arms* I love yours, too. Excluding Chemistry of course, but your other subjects totally cancel that out. ;) I wanted to do Drama, because acting is a great passion of mine, but our teacher's a prick so I picked Modern over it. I then thought that having 4u of History would be...
  5. Jachie

    '07 Preliminary Roll Call

    Hiiii, sexy people. I'm Jacqui, I'm sixteen, and I go to Hornsby Girls High School. I am the poster child for Humglish - 3u English, Ancient History, Legal, Business, Economics and 1u Philosophy. *flashes Humglish badge* I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, because I know I don't...
  6. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    Yeah, I think it needs to be offered at your school. HGHS offered Philosophy and Photography; other schools offer...well, other courses :p Hornsby and Normo have had this deal for years now, where the two schools study Philo together. So maybe if a school near you offers it, you'll be able to do...
  7. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    Hey. :) My Philosophy course isn't a distinction course, it's a Board-Endorsed one. That means that it's worth one unit, only runs for one year and won't be counted towards my UAI. It's held offline, ever Wednesday afternoon at my school. Some guys from Normanhurst Boys do the subject with us...
  8. Jachie

    Unsure about subjects

    TOO many frees?! Honey, there's no such thing.
  9. Jachie

    B$ Subject Clashes

    Nope. The head of VA teaches us. :rofl:
  10. Jachie

    B$ Subject Clashes

    At my school, offline means out of school hours, ie classes before or after school. I have Philosophy offline, every Wednesday afternoon until five.
  11. Jachie

    who has the crappiest voice in the music industry?

    I would agree with that, and throw in a vote for the lead of Panic! At! The! Fucking! Disco! as well.
  12. Jachie

    Those anyone know a song about changing worlds?

    If you want to do something more mainstream and recent, use "I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker" by Sandi Whatsit.
  13. Jachie

    who has the crappiest voice in the music industry?

    I love Gwen's voice. Yeah, her solo work sucks, but No Doubt were legends. I mean, listen to "Don't Speak" and then try to tell me she can't sing.
  14. Jachie

    B$ Subject Clashes

    Oh, that sucks that your school put both extensions on the same line. That seems kind of idiotic to me, but what would I know. Anyway, my school majorly fucked up with the lines and I had a couple of clashes. I was pissed off at the end of last year, but now I'm over it and loving all my...
  15. Jachie


    I have to say, I don't blame him for that.
  16. Jachie

    Can anyone recommend a related text for area of "Human Condition"?

    Ah, Lord Of The Flies. We did that last year (no area of study, it was just the novel our grade had to read). Good book.
  17. Jachie

    Area of Study

    Reinventions. :) In Year 10 we did Making Choices.
  18. Jachie

    What's the worst trouble you've ever been in at school?

    I'm fully hardcore, bro. Don't mess wit me.
  19. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    We've done hardly anything in Ancient, to be honest. Our teacher sounds a lot like yours, though: really enthusiastic about what she does. We've talked about the differences between sources and evidence, primary and secondary sources, blah blah blah. You know, the stuff you do in junior years...
  20. Jachie

    What's the worst trouble you've ever been in at school?

    Um...nothing big. At all. In Year 10 I wagged school for four days straight (so not smart, I know that now) and the school kind of found out...the deputies arranged for me to meet the school councellor, so I was pulled out of Science to go have a "talk" with her. Obviously she didn't find me...