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  1. J

    Mr Zhang

    No sorry You can google it for yourself
  2. J

    Terrorist activity at UNSW

    Yeah some guy was charged for a terrorism offence or something, dont know if he had intentions of launching an attack at UNSW
  3. J

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    read this:
  4. J

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    TBH I dont really agree with that one's sexuality is influenced by external factors, mainly because it doesn't seem to make logical sense to me And with regards to your second statement, healthcare comes from our taxpayers money (well our taxes to be more specific) so we are sort of paying for...
  5. J

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    Yeah I get what you mean but like if it's in western sydney would u go for it? or if it was in an inconvienient location? why on earth would a company sponsor a married couple with a "free apartment" then there are others working their butts off to buy a house?
  6. J

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    I'm sure kids as young as 5 or 6 will already learn about marriage, whether that would be through attending weddings, reading books about a prince and princess getting married, watching tv shows, etc Didnt safe schools end because SSM was legalised? Well truth is we don't pick our sexual...
  7. J

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    I agree I'm not sure of how it exactly work in a catholic school/islamic college but I believe the approach would be like this For e.g. Learning about SSM in PDHPE class the teacher would probably start off talking about this history of marriage, then marriage in a religious context...
  8. J

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    that's interesting but why spend so much money for an apartment that costs so much for couples? I probably wouldn't take it if it was far away from a CBD But yes regardless of legal rights or whatever I see no entitlement for additional rights, I mean look at heterosexual partners in a...
  9. J

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    I agree But I guess it depends on people and their moral beliefs @Sida1049 Getting married for the point of "legal purposes" doesn't seem to serve much of a meaning so I get this feeling that now that non religious people are getting married, they're not doing it just for the sake of love but...
  10. J

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    Well yes. I mean married couples and unmarried couples should get the same benefits in my opinion, other than that, marriage (in a heterosexual sense) in a societal sense doesn't seem to serve much of a purpose other than a man and a woman becoming husband and wife and some legal form saying...
  11. J

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    Well learning about SSM is important as it's important to learn that we cannot discriminate against the LGBTI community (as they were born that way). I think the only rights it would infringe on are those who are religious (learning about SSM in schools).
  12. J

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    IMO instead of legalising SSM, the govt should've had "legally registered couples" and should have made a legal requirement that when couples (regardless if they're heterosexual or homosexual) turn 18 they become "legally registered couples" and just keep marriage to be between a male and...
  13. J

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    To an extent I agree with statement. LGBTI people are usually born that way and didn't "pick to be like that" hence you can't blame for being like it and because of this fact yes it's not right to discriminate against them. And yes despite the fact that there are a number of countries...
  14. J

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    They already taught about same sex couples at school prior to when same sex marriage was legalised (well they did at my school, not sure about everyone else). They also had all these same sex awareness days and events like Madi Gras, the national day against biphobia, transphobia, etc Basically...
  15. J

    How much do people earn?

    I might be wrong in saying this so don't trust me completely I read somewhere that TAFE students usually have better employment prospects, job security and less money to pay back (in terms of government oan for higher study) About 1/3 of uni students can't find employment (usually) I think...
  16. J

    Getting into Medicine

    part of your medical degree already requires a compulsory 2 year internship or something
  17. J

    Transfering to USYD/UNSW from UTS

    not sure you'll need to contact UNSW future students and ask them bc they'll know more. I think it becomes "split" if you do more than 8 subjects a year. iirc if it was 4 subjects per semester, then ATAR will be considered
  18. J

    Transfering to USYD/UNSW from UTS

    Software engineering at UNSW is 91 so I dont think you would be able to get into UNSW software engineering straight away (you could apply for something called SCATS And to transfer for UNSW...