Re: The UTS 'Secks and ?' Thread
Huratio said:
I hope Marketing is easy.. I've done about half of the readings and I don't think I've taken all of it in. Lecture notes for the subject aren't that great.. especially on Marketing Strategy- the lecturer copied whole paragraphs from like 3 books to define it and it makes it a whole lot more confusing.
Good luck for crim tho =]
I finishd crim early and handed it in today so that I could start studying for stats
am yet to start though
yeah marketing is easy
i did go for every lecture though

im proud
majority of law ppl didnt as we had it at night and after being there from 9am for law, it was a bitch. but i even went to kuringai sometimes when i didnt wanna stay. jus made sure i went to all, even tho the content was basic.
yeah mid sem was fine
marketing was my best exam ive ever done lol
92 and came 1st in the course =/
but that was mid sem
and poster i killed
i mustve really fucked up the final exam to end up with 83 overall

but i had LPH the nite after so i didnt really study for marketing final
now i feel really dumb tho
i got finance mark back 2day
3 in short answer/10
and 12/20 in MC
now im really worried about stats this sat
and getting back contracts which was MC 2
gl with marketing, ull b fine