Re: The UTS 'Secks and ?' Thread
hhaha.. nah i have my moments

yea thats a good idea ay.. haha graduating age will be 20? lol..
yea i see heaps of them help each other heapps.. which is sooo weak.. lol. man i wonder if during our finals will they be able to ask their buddy for the answer! speakin of... we have these quizes for cells right - they are includded in our final mark. and we do them online in our time.. so heres the scene, one person from their buddy group does it.. and at the end of the exam it gives all the correct answers.. so this person PRINTS our all the answers... and the next person does the same shit.. and it only takes about three people to do this.. then the rest of the group have the answers when they sit the quiz?!?! LOL i saw these printed sheets..... LOL.. fuckin lame asses.. and the pool from where the questions are from is not big, so three answer sheets will 99% have the majority of all the answers on them..
lol, i hope they all fail..
anyway, say someone fails chem 1c, they canNOT go into chem 2c right? and if someone fails med sci1 they cannot go inot med sci2 RIGHt? or am i being delusional