I dislike the students who take offence at little irrelevant things that were meant as a joke. There was this girl who jokingly said that jury duty was "for those who were too stupid to get out of it" (her words, not mine). I'm pretty sure it was meant as a joke because most people in the tutorial just chuckled for a second. One girl, however, took great offence and started ranting that she has worked in the courts part time, and has the greatest repect for jurors because their role in society is so monumental yadda yadda yadda.
I mean, this was a tutorial where we are supposed to discuss the work at hand, not listen to two big-mouths get into an argument over jury duty.
This next comment isn't about law students as such, but about any student who considers themselves to be "great intellectuals".
Some students will eye you up and down if you are dressed fashionably, almost as if they are trying to figure out what 'someone like you' is doing in a 'smart person's course'. I actually find that some (not all!) students have a certain idea of what a 'smart person' should look like, and if you don't meet that stereotype, you are instantly classed as being a 'bimbo!'
I do law and most other law students I know are nice, and don't aggravate others. You do get the minority who make everyone else look bad!