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  1. anti

    anti's Guide to Writing Creatively

    Equally inappropriate. It's very frustrating to read a piece that goes all over the place.
  2. anti

    The Chaser Decides/CNNNN

    It's 'capital'; they say that single word 'sentences' break all sorts of grammar rules, and these posts are off topic so please return to the subject.
  3. anti

    anti's Guide to Writing Creatively

    Haha go ahead, I have no need of it :) It doesn't matter, as long as you stick to a perspective (good creative writers may disagree with me, but we're keeping it simple). The easiest is 3rd person. 1st person is a bit more personal so use it for very emotional, soul searching texts. 2nd...
  4. anti

    anti's Guide to Writing Creatively

    Yeah, that's a great idea if you don't want to think too hard about characterisation in an exam. However, two points: Firstly, the exam usually tries to let you be you; ie write from a teenager's perspective, young person's perspective, Australian's perspective. You don't have to go out of...
  5. anti

    anti's Guide to Writing Creatively

    Awwww thanks guys! :cool: It's nice to know what I write is being appreciated (even if it's late - at least it can inspire you over the weekend, right?) How does one sustain metaphors.. well, I'll take your idea of a river. You can consider that rivers start gushing out of a mountain...
  6. anti

    General/Standard Mathematics Resource Directory

    Quick Links to Past HSC examinations 2009: Marking guidelines have not yet been released yet 2008...
  7. anti

    anti's Guide to Writing Creatively

    My mistake :) Thanks happeninchick and Logix. Yeah, a metaphor is something which is described as though it is something else. Travelling on a road is the most blunt, in-your-face way of saying "hi i'm talking about a journey" :) How I write about things? Good practise is to try to talk...
  8. anti

    journey related texts

    (moved) I'm going to rebuild the related texts list when I get some free time..
  9. anti


    In films.. diegetic sound is sound which comes from the actual film world itself (people talking, for example). Say .. if you were in the fireworks scene in The Fellowship of the Ring and a firecracker went off - the firecracker is diegetic sound. It is part of the scene. Non-diegetic sound...
  10. anti

    UNSW Computing forum

    We now have our own subforum!!
  11. anti

    Question c, does it have to be in order??

    No. in fact let me say that again. NO NO NO NO NO. There is NO "order". They give you almost free reign to talk about the topic! Talking about them in a particular order may limit your response.
  12. anti

    anti's Guide to Writing Creatively

    Creative writing is section 3 of the AoS paper, isn't it? I'm pretty sure this is still related to your texts altho you might not be asked to refer to them explicitly. How to put techniques in - to use them? Metaphors and images are extensions of descriptive language! You are probably using...
  13. anti

    Creative Writing: Ideas and Inspiration

    No, they won't think you're trippin ;) Actually I'll explain: the personification of an inanimate object is a plausible creative story idea, but it does require you to be very discerning with your word choice and structure - you can't just write 'i am a banana.' and expect that a marker will...
  14. anti

    anti's Guide to Writing Creatively

    Yeah, I do believe the section asks you to refer to your texts. [NB: This was later corrected - you shouldn't refer to your texts in Section 2 unless specifically requested to do so.]
  15. anti

    how many additional texts for AOS???

    My feeling is that analysis of one text does not fufil the syllabus requirement of various contexts and composers, although that's just my interpretation of a verbose document :P
  16. anti

    anti's Guide to Writing Creatively

    I've noticed quite a lot of you are struggling with the creative writing section of the paper, and I hope my advice can be of use to you. Creative writing is by far my favourite part of the English paper because for me it requires no prior study :D The first thing to remember is that no...
  17. anti

    Ideas for Creative Writing

    There's a Creative Writing thread stickied at the top of this forum. It's a bad idea to copy a story, because you're not showing creativity. The idea behind creative writing is that you can show how you can use your understanding of Journeys to compose your own texts, not to show how you can...
  18. anti

    how many additional texts for AOS???

    Yeah, if they say at least one they mean one AND MORE If they say only 'one' then they mean one, not two or three or zero. If you do more texts than they ask you to (from the stimulus booklet or related texts) you won't exactly be penalised but they just won't mark the second text - wasting...
  19. anti

    credit average

    I'm doing Comp Sci at UNSW. 2nd year.
  20. anti

    Congratulations on your new moderators!

    Hey! I don't spam! much ... :p I guess I started the first SoR Spam Thread.. go me!!