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  1. anti

    Wretched Creative Writing section

    You have about 40 minutes in the exam, I think? (Their suggestion; you probably have more because you've done the first sections very quickly:) An average breakdown of this 40-50 minutes: 5mins planning 30-40 minutes writing 5-10 minutes checking / proofreading
  2. anti

    credit average

    I know you don't want this answer but it depends on the degree :p Compare the workload of an average commerce student (12-15hrs a week) with a med student (upwards of 30 hours per week); you probably have to work harder to get a credit average in a course where you're at uni more, you have...
  3. anti

    No Dance Resources!!!!

    Hm, that's a pity :( If you have resources you'd like to donate to Bored of Studies, you can submit them here: . Please do! :)
  4. anti

    Reputation points.

    I don't post much in NS at all, nor do I flirt with anyone on this forum *wink wink* :p I guess I have been more active recently because I moderate from work (bad example *slaps wrist*
  5. anti

    Reputation points.

    As I said, we're looking into how the system works :D You can't be negative repped.
  6. anti

    Congratulations on your new moderators!

    Hi guys, If you haven't noticed, you now have two new moderators, snapperhead and acmilan1987 :) That's sooo cool. :D Wishing them the best of luck ! anti
  7. anti

    Reputation points.

    Repping is used for noting a user's contribution to the forum. A user with high reputation should have: * contributed to the subject forums with useful information or constructive posts on topic * displayed a good attitude towards the wellbeing of the forum and forum users (wow I sound...
  8. anti

    notebook for uni

    Note that laptops depreciate very fast because it's hard to upgrade them..
  9. anti

    How to answer the question???

    The differences between various text types: * Structure. An essay has an intro, a few paragraphs, and a conclusion. A feature article might have an anecdote, an intro, many paragraphs, and another anecdote to conclude. A letter has a date, an address (Dear..), a few questions, an...
  10. anti


    speaking of waffle, this is how you cut it out. print out your essay. read it aloud. after every sentence, ask yourself: What am I really saying (underneath all the english jargon)? Does this answer the question? If your answer to the first is 'I'm not sure' and the second 'No', then...
  11. anti

    Q about Journeys + Thesis

    Most essays have ONE thesis :P Your ONE thesis is the answer to the question. What you have stated are generalisations of a 'journey' and writing something like "A journey is very difficult" will not get you full marks (or anything near it!). One of the biggest mistakes I see in essays is...
  12. anti


    the latter - cut out issues. Examples and techniques are the butter for the bread (or was that the bread for the butter!). You are being assessed not only on what the author is saying but HOW he is saying it. By skipping examples and techniques you're skipping out 50% of your potential mark...
  13. anti

    Pregnancy / Periods

    Can't disagree with Ms 12. Taking the test takes: five minutes and a bit of guts. Having a child takes at least 18 years (and nine months) and a LOT of guts, stress, money, frustration etc. Doctors have seen and heard it all before .. if you want, ask for a female doctor.
  14. anti

    What would you like to see on BOS 2005?

    Oh yes. I would also like to see a link to resources somewhere on each subject forum.. ie. a menu at the top / bottom / side/ SOMEWHERE with links to the English Notes section or something.
  15. anti

    Creative Writing Question & AOS Response

    1. Yes 2. Have you checked the resources? There's also a creative writing thread stickied in this forum.
  16. anti

    how do you indicate personal thoughts in a radio interview form?

    Can you give more context please? What kind of radio interview? The personal thoughts of someone IN the interview or your OWN?
  17. anti

    Essay Structure

    The key words are 'at least'. They are looking for more than one and will mark accordingly; I doubt you will get top marks by writing about only one related text .. it does not show them your ability to extract meaning from texts NOT prescribed to you (ie not studied in depth in class at school)
  18. anti

    What would you like to see on BOS 2005?

    OMG xayma where did you get that *glares* :D I would like more bos buyables. ... BOS STUDY CANDY! BOS PENCILS! BOS PAPERCLIPS! Imagine writing in your exam with your VERY OWN Bored of Studies Pen! Using a Bored of Studies calculator! Guaranteed to work at least for the duration of the exam...
  19. anti

    Do Whores help prevent rape?

    I think I should clarify: I will delete posts which have been reported to me and which I see as: * irrelevant to the topic * offensive to a person or people on this forum (not necessarily myself) I don't delete posts merely because I disagree with them.
  20. anti

    Co-op and rural scholarships Competition depends on the number of places - some offer more than others.