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  1. anti

    Cant play videos

    From experience WMP doesn't download codecs very happily. :)
  2. anti

    notebook for uni

    aren't iBooks terribly expensive even with student discount? not to mention a mac.. ;) try looking on ebay or auction sites if you don't mind the trawl (it takes some time to find a good one + at the price you want). has online auctions for demo/returned hardware. i saw...
  3. anti

    Essay Structure

    Integration is possible on a text-by-text basis. Just because a single paragraph may focus on a single text does not mean you cannot make references to other texts you are studying. On the other hand, a paragraph may focus on an argument.
  4. anti

    Creative Writing: Ideas and Inspiration

    there's a difference between 'fully random' and 'postmodern random' ... the idea is if you've studied pomo you can differentiate and hence write in a postmodern style, not a totally random style. (depends on your interpretation of pomo, but that's how I believe they see it) and yeah...
  5. anti

    section 2, creative writing...HELP

    Check this thread:
  6. anti


    I'm getting a few reported posts about spoilers. As a result I'm going to create a new fantastic policy about spoilers. * If you post a thread containing spoilers, you MUST add "SPOILERS" to the thread title. * If you post a comment containing spoilers, you MUST rot13 encrypt...
  7. anti

    Imaginative Journeys essay

    I've sort of split it up .. some parts are missing. HTH. How? Try to rephrase the question rather than restate it. This indicates immediately that you have actually understood the question and aren’t just waffling on. Again, how? It is not enough to merely list the texts in your...
  8. anti

    lear: # of productions to mention

    If you consistently run out of time and never get to cover the 3rd in as much detail as you'd like, don't include it. It is better to cover two productions in detail and be happy with the result than to cover three briefly without going into technical depth. However, if you feel that your...
  9. anti

    feature ariticle

    Feature articles are exactly that, a 'feature'. It may be informative or merely entertaining (infotainment). Most feature articles are about a place, an expression (eg. words), perhaps an experience. They are usually informal, although they rarely use colloquial language (slang). The...
  10. anti

    Variety of text types?

    Yes, they're different mediums. However if your primary text is a film you should be cautious of choosing another film as a supplmentary text.
  11. anti

    Can I use Advanced SET TEXTS as related texts in standard?

    it's possible, although you are strongly discouraged from doing so. note that markers do not know what other modules you study. they may also be SICK of reading about bnw.... :p
  12. anti

    best way to clean surface of an LCD monitor? Hi Lion!!
  13. anti

    Which browser?

    firefox is by far the best browser i've ever used (i've never tried opera tho). it has everything i want without requiring a whole package to be downloaded (ie. mozilla) and is secure (unlike ie) and free. i do use thunderbird but i really like my mail on the go (since i check it from work...
  14. anti

    Creative Writing: Ideas and Inspiration

    Creative writing doesn't always have to be a story (Has someone mentioned this yet? I hope so!). Unless they specifically tell you to write in a particular form, choose one you feel like writing and go for it. Ideas? I pull ideas out of thin air. Play the word association game with yourself...
  15. anti

    Essay help needed!

    Actually let's be more specific. In your first paragraph you should: * define your argument (thesis) * indicate what points you are going to raise, in order, and with some detail but not much * mention what texts you are referring to (this may be included in the point above)...
  16. anti

    Plot as a technique - Help!!

    No, although genre can be subverted as a technique. Specific techniques OF a genre are techniques :) Film noir springs to mind instantly.
  17. anti

    Buying DVDs for English

    DSE sells Blade Runner. I have it, but lent it to a friend - not sure if I've gotten it back yet. Not really keen to part with it either, but I can lend it to you (if I still have it) - pm me.
  18. anti

    Essay help needed!

    I can't remember the AoS essays too well ... but from what I do recall, a good way for practising AoS essays (any essay, really) Make an essay plan. A minimum of five arguments or points you want to make, then peel it back to three or four. In the time frame you have any more than four is...
  19. anti

    Plot as a technique - Help!!

    Do you have a more specific example? A plot can certainly be a technique. Take for example the typical 'rite of passage' story in which a person grows and changes usually because of a catalytic event, or the 'cinderella story' (similar thing really) in which an 'ugly duckling' becomes a...
  20. anti

    Happy September 11th!

    Ok, this thread has had enough