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  1. Tim035

    UNSW Med Sci 08: ROLL CALL!

    I had to laugh from having experienced it first hand, these individuals who claim to have a burning desire for medicine, yet have a hard time retaining consciousness in any lecture. I'm guessing 'a freak' probabley means you've accomplished a 1st semester WAM within the level of high...
  2. Tim035

    UNSW Med Sci 08: ROLL CALL!

    Hey, havn't been on these forums for a couple of weeks; only occured to me now that I'm getting my head back together for another semester. Just though I'd say a quick thanks especially to survivor and Rekkusu for helping me in Micro last semester, it ended up being my highest subjects with a...
  3. Tim035

    I now know what you mean by completely random questions in BIOC2101

    Micro was interesting..... A few of the short answers I wasn't really sure what they were asking for, and some of the long answers it was hard to write more then half a page whilst others required atleast 2.5 pages to answer. Just have to wait and see now :D
  4. Tim035

    I now know what you mean by completely random questions in BIOC2101

    The more I hear, the more tempting it becomes to do cell biology over molecular biology.... Hooray, physio paper 1 down.... The neuro question was really weird, required a lot of lateral thinking beyond the theory covered in the lectures, some mcq were cruely specific about a certain method or...
  5. Tim035

    I now know what you mean by completely random questions in BIOC2101

    Well what Vickery said is, most likely there will be: 1- Blood and or CVS (as Ulman did the lectures on blood but also the 1st 3 lectures on CVS I.e. general structure & measuring blood volume, electrical events of cvs cycle & mechanical events of the cvs cycle). 2- CVS 3- Neurophysiology...
  6. Tim035

    I now know what you mean by completely random questions in BIOC2101

    There were 3, I had a couple of friends who missed their quiz that week aswell due to the BIOC test, not overly fair. I really hope the MCQ in phph2101 relating to the prac material isn't to specific... I've spent most of my time on theory with those past papers and redoing the tutes...
  7. Tim035

    I now know what you mean by completely random questions in BIOC2101

    Haha, spend 2 hours copying notes off posters and another hour identifying different plants! Still... I always found those little quizzes easy marks, just like PHPH2101 this semester. Oh that reminds me, some people were saying that for the 3 pre-lab quizzes you do, it is your best 2 that get...
  8. Tim035

    Has the HSC caused you to stop exrcising and working out?

    It only gets worse if you do something that has a serious amount of contact hours at uni e.g. science, engineering, med, law..... I rarely have time to do any exercise durring semester, then try to get to the gym atleast once a day durring stuvac.
  9. Tim035

    I now know what you mean by completely random questions in BIOC2101

    Yeah, I didn't have the greatest tutor either. In the small group tutorials, they just wrote the answers straight off the sheet on to the board and told us to copy them down, that'd be about it. You beat me by 1...... I knew theoretically how to do everything for every task a week out from it...
  10. Tim035


    Thinking back to what we had last year.... - A scenario related to experimental design, the question wanted you to list what controls would be needed for the experiment and why. - Essay relating to how sources of mutation can arise within a population and how this can lead to a gain of...
  11. Tim035

    I now know what you mean by completely random questions in BIOC2101

    Yeah we had her for 4 lectures on antibiotics, definatly the most interesting part of the course.
  12. Tim035

    I now know what you mean by completely random questions in BIOC2101

    The first question asked didn't seem like there was 10 marks worth of stuff to talk about. However microbiology students actually had an advantage in the 2nd part of the question, because it was related to selective toxicity, where a drug could target enzymes in the parasites oxidatative cycle...
  13. Tim035

    I now know what you mean by completely random questions in BIOC2101

    We still have a 15% 'theory of practical' on monday, I'm about half way through going back through all the practicals, making sure I know all the enzymes and substrates we used, theory behind why things like ion exchange chromatography work etc etc... I'm still planning to do a physiology or...
  14. Tim035

    I now know what you mean by completely random questions in BIOC2101

    Well the final was today, and yep BIOC2101 lived up to its name of producing some wtf questions, especially in the written answer section. I think the only questions where it was reasonably easy to figure out the answer or write a responce to were the ones relating to fat metabolism. Thank...
  15. Tim035

    related text for MAlouf and Wordsworth? Speech help

    try the film "into the wild" directed by Seann Penn great quotes and techniques also very relevant to retreat from the global if you're doing ext 2
  16. Tim035

    UNSW Med Sci 08: ROLL CALL!

    yeah my 0.1 came from calling one of the species of proteobactiera- meta-proteobacteria, instead of delta-proteobactiera.
  17. Tim035

    UNSW Med Sci 08: ROLL CALL!

    Some people were saying today that they received emails saying the WAM to stay in med science is going up to 70 this year, but I received nothing in my unimail. I'm studying harder than ever atm but on a whole my results this year compared to last are 10 - 15% lower, is this normal for 2nd...
  18. Tim035

    Mbbs Application Form

    I'm not sure exactly what the weighting on those questions is, but I guess it acts as a first impression as to what sort of person you are; which could be important prior to you having your interview. The thing I've heard a couple of times from various people in the med department is that they...
  19. Tim035

    UNSW Med Sci 08: ROLL CALL!

    The thing is, if you're doing med sci with no intention of doing a PHD, post grad bachelor, medicine or masters in pharamacy, dentistry or optometry then you're just making life hard on yourself for no reason. You could've just done a B science and focused solely on courses you want to do...
  20. Tim035

    UNSW Med Sci 08: ROLL CALL!

    Micro test went pretty well, 2 of the questions were from the 'example questions' sheet they gave us in the tute before hand. So that was a couple of nice free marks. Their were 18 questions each worth 1/2 a mark each, but most of them wanted a lot of information or even involved 2 parts for...