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  1. Tim035

    UNSW Med Sci 08: ROLL CALL!

    SCIF is a complete load of Sh*# However Babs1201 isn't that bad, I enjoyed most segments in that course, biochem and molecular biology were pretty good. But I guess the labs drag this course down to the level of ZZZZzz.... I'd just be enjoying whilst you can the relatively light work load...
  2. Tim035

    UNSW Med Sci 08: ROLL CALL!

    Hey can I ask, what are the histology (anat2241) theory exams mainly based around? It gets kind of confusing how in the lectures he always seems to go, now I've included blablabla in the notes I've given you but don't worry I'm not going to bother examining that. I'm guessing its going to be...
  3. Tim035

    Microbiology and the isolation project.

    I have some friends (none of whom went to UNSW), who always repeatedly told me STAY AWAY FROM HISTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY!!! They were definatly righta bout embryology, did 2 weeks of that in intro Anat and it was hell! But histology is awesome. I could see how with an average lecturer and back...
  4. Tim035

    First Year BABS1201

    You didn't transfer to medicine after last year did you? Or am i thinking of another Melissa. Babs labs.... Yeah pretty dull, but your books don't get marked and not much to do with the labs turns up in the end of semester so don't stress.
  5. Tim035

    Microbiology and the isolation project.

    I made this post back in week 1, everything with this project is sweet now. They made a stuff up in the lab manaul where a part of the assingment due in week 3 (after easter break) said it had to be due week 2. Microbiology is probably my favourite lab, lot of fun and very interesting, unlike...
  6. Tim035

    Changing to pharamcy, queries

    I'm currently 2nd year Med science at UNSW with a 81 WAM (D average), but really don't see myself going anywhere with the degree. I'm a pharamacology major and really enjoy pharmacology / physiology and so am seriously considering changing to pharmacy at Usyd. If I were to change at the end...
  7. Tim035

    UNSW Med Sci 08: ROLL CALL!

    Bored because you're not challenged? or bored because you're not enjoying what you're learning? First year is pretty dull, you'll do anatomy for medical science in second semester which atleast brightens things up a bit but besides that you just have to grit your teeth and get through it...
  8. Tim035

    Oxidation/Reduction question

    Radicals still follow the normal rules of oxidation potential as a matter of fact the rules stand stronger in the sense that ionization levels will increase in a linear fashion until the element reaches a noble gas configuration at which point an expodential jump will occur. I was trying to...
  9. Tim035

    Half Equations Questions i had troble with

    Here are some basic steps for balancing equations involving H2O and H+ After concluding which species is being reduced and which is being oxidised, split ur equation into 2 half equations one involving the oxidized species and the other the reduced species, then proceed as follows: 1-...
  10. Tim035

    Weak acid + weak base titration

    Since weak acids and weak bases have low ionization percentages and thus higher associated pka values the pH of the final solution can be calculated using pH = pka + Log (A-)/(HA) where HA represents the concentration of weak acid in its non ionized state and A- is the concentration of acid in...
  11. Tim035

    Oxidation/Reduction question

    You could also remember that oxidation and reduction potential are linked to ionization energy and electron affinity levels. Ionization levels decrease down the periodic table and increase across, but there are some irregularities if the outer sub shell has a full or exactly half filled...
  12. Tim035

    I now know what you mean by completely random questions in BIOC2101

    If I work hard I'll get a pass, well thats not overly comforting lol.... First year chem I actually didn't mind, ok the lecturers weren't great but the course material was fairly easy and the exams were made up of modified questions from the tutorials. I seriously don't get the 'study...
  13. Tim035

    I now know what you mean by completely random questions in BIOC2101

    This is mainly directed at Rekkusu who quoted some where that the questions in biochem tend to be completely random and difficult. In the lectures everything seems relatively straight forward, nothing is overly complex etc... Then I looked in the course manual at the 'study guide questions'...
  14. Tim035

    How does 16s rRNA indentification work?

    In 2nd year microbiology they've just assumed we were taught this in 1st year but I have no recollection. I need to know how this technique works as I'm currently writing a isolation project research plan, in which 16s rRNA will be carried out on the sample by lab assistants but we will have to...
  15. Tim035

    PHPH2101 Course manual

    They were handed out in the first lecture for the semester, no need to go out and buy it (doubt you even can). You'll most likely have to try and chase up getting one durring lab or at the end of a lecture I guess...
  16. Tim035

    Microbiology and the isolation project.

    So we have this semester long assingment to isolate, cultivate and prove we have a specific genus of bacteria and then present a 20 minute presentation on our findings... I'm cool with that (for now), except that they expect us to have a full plan of how we are going to carry out this whole...
  17. Tim035

    2nd year fundamental biochem vs advance biochem

    My major is most likely going to be physiology / pharmacology. I already love what we are doing in physiology with cell membrane transport, cell potential and all that stuff. I'm tempted to get the textbook, but at the same time I know this is the only biochem course I'll ever take.... They do...
  18. Tim035

    2nd year fundamental biochem vs advance biochem

    I've stuck with adv biochem, for better or for worse who knows yet... Due to those gigantic ques at central in the morn I was 15 mins late to the 1st biochem lecture so not sure whether he mentioned the course pack or not, however I'd imagine it contains the prac manual so it'd be a must to...
  19. Tim035

    Are labs and tutes on this week?!?

    lol, yeah i didn't really understand the moving of E-spot. Around the back of the mathews building? How is that at all convienant or easy to find.
  20. Tim035

    Are labs and tutes on this week?!?

    On my timetable if I only tick week one, nothing disapeers! Under this new 12 week system are even tutorials starting from week one?