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  1. Survivor39


    Some questions in the prac exam are easy. But some are like "WTF??!" Please know your stuff well! They asked me to classify the leaves from memory.
  2. Survivor39 unsw

    In naotech, you need to be good at chemistry.
  3. Survivor39

    Do we need to know the structure of antibody?

    You really don't need to know that much detail, seriously! I agree with Point. Your teacher just gave you that info so people who are interested can know more about it. But the examiners are not going to ask you to "Describe the function of complement in relation to antibody". Basically...
  4. Survivor39


    Considering on average only 2% of the people get a HD in this course, you should help each other out :D
  5. Survivor39

    Predict ur marks!

    Good luck for the remaining exams and results everyone! Survivor39 Moderator of ESL, Biology, Society and Culture
  6. Survivor39

    The Search for Better Health Challenge Question!

    Good answer. But what else? Come on!! Please use my hints!! ***Do you think bacteria causes disease by having 1 bacterial cell??
  7. Survivor39

    The Search for Better Health Challenge Question!

    This is a good attempt. The bacterium you are talking about is Helicobacter pylori, which can actually secrete an enzyme called urease, which break down stomach urea into ammonia. In the process, ammonia neutralises the surrounding stomach acid, and make the condition more favourable for H...
  8. Survivor39

    Answers to the Challenge Questions

    If you would like to know the answers of any of the Challenge Questions, please Private Message me like a few of you already have, and I will be happy to Private Message you back with the answers. This is so that new students who are joining this forum can attempt these questions without being...
  9. Survivor39

    phagocitosis non spefific??

    Macrophages can essentially "present" antigen to T cells and tell T cells "this is the antigen you need to attack". But this process is "rare" because in most of the time, antigen presentation is carried out by a cell called "dendritic cell". To the original response "Umm why is phagocitosis...
  10. Survivor39

    Genetics Challenge Question

    Answer: Are both copy of your chromosomes really identical? No. You could be heterozygous at cetrain loci. Then, therefore, your homologues are not completely identical.
  11. Survivor39

    The Search for Better Health Challenge Question 4!

    - No. This doesn't really have much to do with the mutation of viruses. - Antigen is not a cell, it is a molecule, and it can't "burst". :p - No.
  12. Survivor39

    The Search for Better Health Challenge Question 2!

    sm8, excellent deduction! In a way you have correctly answered the question. Remember one of the postulate state that the pathogen MUST be grown in a PURE culture. Virus cannot be grown in a pure culture. In order to grow viruses, you need to have host cells, either in a cell culture...
  13. Survivor39

    The Search for Better Health Challenge Question!

    point.. is this another one of your "attempted" response or just random information again?? MTB obviously can be phagocytosed.. What are you talking about? They "want" to be phagocytosed by macrophages to hide inside the host cell and hence, evade the immune system. But my question is on how...
  14. Survivor39

    The Search for Better Health Challenge Question 2!

    Is that an answer or is it just your random information? Well, some autoimmune diseases are induced by viruses, but these are not identified by the Koch's postulates. But my question isn't really on that.
  15. Survivor39

    Language techniques

    Have you tried looking into here?
  16. Survivor39

    Where to get past model essays?

    Note that the standard packages indicate responses from the borderline. e.g. Band 5/6 responses represent that this student falls in the borderline of a band 5 and 6. Better responses compare to that response will score a clear Band 6 mark (90+), and a poorer response will score a clear band 5...
  17. Survivor39

    year11 a question frome the textbook

    I think it's A. I mean think about it, people have been comparing anatomical parts for hundreds of years. It wouldn't be called "technogical advance". Microscopy helps us to determine fine structure and morphology to be used in classification, as with the generation of genetic sequences.
  18. Survivor39

    science majors

    BIOS is interesting and not too difficult. Maths - well depends whether you are good at maths or not. CHEM - much harder than HSC Chem. I think Chem and Maths have summer courses. But not in BIOS. There are no winter courses.
  19. Survivor39

    Advanced Science student projects

    No you cannot skip first year bio/chem/maths because they are the prerequisites to second year microbiology subjects. They don't care whether you are an advanced science or science student. In adv science, you need to do an additional honours year. So yes, that's an extra 1 year.
  20. Survivor39

    gel electrophoresis

    When I run gels in my lab, I use a buffer called the TBE buffer, which contains tris base, boric acid, and sodium EDTA. I think most labs use TBE buffer. And yes, you must fill your buffer so that it just cover the entire gel. And you let the thing run for 30 min and you're done! You take this...