Search results

  1. Trebla

    How does a school rank affect atar ?

    Your school’s past ranking (which varies year to year and can be ranked in many different ways) is not a direct input into your ATAR and therefore has no effect. The only so-called ‘effects’ are indirect ones, for example the school’s culture, its availability of resources, quality of teachers etc
  2. Trebla

    Prove Inverse Function Derivative theorem

    Same thing but another way to look at it: dy/dx = 1/(dx/dy) If y = g(x) and equivalently x = f(y) then g’(x) = 1/f’(y) and the result follows
  3. Trebla

    CSSA 2019 Maths Ext.1 Question 11e

    I don’t see how the first two solutions satisfy the original equation? The identity in part (i) is only true if \cos\theta\neq 0. Therefore you should apply that restriction when solving the equation in (ii). FYI solving \frac{2\tan\theta}{1-\tan^2\theta}=\sqrt{3}\cos\theta is not exactly...
  4. Trebla

    What raw marks in extension 2 generally correspond to state ranks?

    Come do the BoS trials this year!
  5. Trebla

    Year 11 Chemistry Papers (NEW SYLLABUS)

    We would assess the appropriate action based on the circumstances. We would only resort to a ban if the situation is serious enough to warrant it. I have no issues with people sharing resources but would appreciate users respect the copyright laws when private company owned marerial is involved...
  6. Trebla

    Good Resources

    This website has a Notes & Resources section
  7. Trebla

    Year 11 Chemistry Papers (NEW SYLLABUS)

    Given the activity here I would ask users to please exercise caution in this thread for requesting what is likely to be a copyrighted resource from a private company. Copyright concerns have been raised to us by companies in the past and we have had to take interventionary actions as a result...
  8. Trebla

    Modular arithmetic allowed in the HSC?

    HSC questions are never designed to ask students to call upon concepts outside the syllabus. If you carefully look at the power series questions asked in the past, you don't need to know anything about power series to actually answer the question. Even though the context of the question may...
  9. Trebla

    Modular arithmetic allowed in the HSC?

    Still not following? :confused:
  10. Trebla


    Please check out our Resources section
  11. Trebla


    We have a entire Resources section for this very thing. In fact there are already some new syllabus materials loaded in there quite recently. I would encourage everyone to load it there as others have done in the past:
  12. Trebla

    Primary, Secondary, and Derivatives market?

    Think of derivatives as paper contracts designed for betting that an asset price will go a certain way. Simple example - I bet you some money that a certain asset will be worth at least $100 tomorrow. If tomorrow it is $120 then I make a profit and you make a loss but if it turns out to be $90...
  13. Trebla

    Modular arithmetic allowed in the HSC?

    Where would you even need to use modular arithmetic in the HSC?
  14. Trebla

    Any details about 2021 4u math new syllabus?

    The class of 2020 will be the first to experience the new 4u syllabus Syllabus document can be found here:
  15. Trebla

    Lowest ATAR in the top 2 schools?

    I wonder if they only quote their median ATAR because those outliers are low enough to noticably drag their average ATAR down lol...
  16. Trebla

    2019 Chem/Bio New Syllabus Trial Papers HELP!!!

    Someone has loaded a sample paper in our resources section: Also, there is still value in looking at the older trial papers under the old syllabus given at least half the content has stayed the...
  17. Trebla

    FREE year 11 & 12 class notes, summaries and assessment tasks

    If you’re giving out any resources for free, you can load them up into the Resources section of this site to reach out to more people...
  18. Trebla

    Federal Election May 18

    That wouldn’t explain why polls in the past were pretty close (at least picking the right winner)
  19. Trebla

    Plan to take it easy until uni, then work hard to become a Dr - is it flawed?

    What evidence do you have to support this? At least from my perspective the people I see who attempt to get into postgrad med are very motivated and hard working. Not to mention far more mature and experienced than their high school selves, so they would know exactly what they’re getting...
  20. Trebla

    Plan to take it easy until uni, then work hard to become a Dr - is it flawed?

    If we go by your theory that in order to get a high ATAR (which is only ONE part of getting into medicine - quite a number of high ATAR students fail the interview stage just saying) you needed to have started working hard and making sacrifices at a young age, then that principle would still...