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  1. Trebla

    Statistics Marathon & Questions

    University Statistics Discussion Marathon Expand the square and note that the mean (and also its square) is a constant. In the second summand there is a common factor which can be factorised out. In the third summand note that you are summing the same constant value n times.
  2. Trebla

    Central Limit Theorem (normal distributions)

    This question is quite advanced for first year level lol
  3. Trebla

    Continuous random variables

    Use the substitution z=\dfrac{x-\mu}{\sigma} noting that \sigma>0 E|X-\mu|=\dfrac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}\displaystyle\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}|x-\mu|e^{-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\right)^2}\,dx\\\\ =...
  4. Trebla

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    Another approach would be to note that this equation is equivalent to sin 3x = sin(-x) If you solve it within one 'revolution' (like you would for a standard trig equation) you get 3x = -x or 3x = π - (-x) Now generalise this to multiple 'revolutions' 3x = -x + 2πn or 3x =...
  5. Trebla

    Proposed changes to the Mathematics syllabus: Thoughts?

    The Black Scholes model used to price some financial securities is based on the heat equation derived from Physics. Some of the more advanced models (i.e. ones you will never see at uni unless you are exposed to forefront academic literature) attempt to use chaos theory (which is a Physics...
  6. Trebla

    Year 10 Mathematics in Vietnam

    More emphasis on communication and language for starters as well as how to compose a variety of text types with greater levels of sophistication (rather than excessive focus on writing narratives and essays). Leave the literature stuff to more advanced or extension levels. lolwut
  7. Trebla

    Year 10 Mathematics in Vietnam

    I personally think English shouldn't be compulsory unless they change the course completely to focus on stuff that is more applicable to real life
  8. Trebla

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    Doing a 'simple' but thought heavy maths question is a great test to see how sobered up you are after drinking
  9. Trebla

    Year 10 Mathematics in Vietnam

    I don't think making maths compulsory at HSC level will change attitudes at all tbh. I mean look at English as an example of a compulsory subject and how many people still hate it (including me). I also think an education degree is still necessary to become a proper teacher. Just because you...
  10. Trebla

    Year 10 Mathematics in Vietnam

    Without going into technical details, a subject scales well if it contains students from the higher end of the total HSC population. A subject scales badly if it contains students from the lower end of the total HSC population. Compulsory subjects like English Standard/Advanced have virtually...
  11. Trebla

    Year 10 Mathematics in Vietnam

    You do realise that if you make a subject compulsory then its scaling becomes worse...LOL
  12. Trebla

    Year 10 Mathematics in Vietnam

    Then that means we should make extension 1 and 2 english compulsory to all students no matter what. Then there would be no point calling it extension 1 and 2 at all if everyone is doing it lol
  13. Trebla

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Isn't ECON1001 a pre-req for that?
  14. Trebla

    Statistics Marathon & Questions

    University Statistics Discussion Marathon The p-value is the probability of an observation occurring assuming the null hypothesis is actually true. If the p-value is very low then the observation you see is very unlikely if the null hypothesis is true. If you believe the observation you see is...
  15. Trebla

    Proposed changes to the Mathematics syllabus: Thoughts?

    You won't get it unless you actually studied stats at uni. Alternatively, google is your friend.
  16. Trebla

    Hardest Inverse and Binomial questions?

    See BoS trials kthanxbye
  17. Trebla

    Free Opal Trips abolished

    I honestly think these 'changes' are more like corrections of the obvious flaws in the original scheme. The fact that you pay the base price of $2 each time you switch modes of transport is pretty bad in the first place. In theory the price should correlate with distance travelled so the...
  18. Trebla

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 You get two certificates
  19. Trebla

    Free Opal Trips abolished

    $200 fine each trip? lol