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  1. Trebla

    BOS Trials 2014

  2. Trebla

    Predictions for this years final q

    I would be over the moon if the BoS trials ever strikes it lucky with the last HSC question :p
  3. Trebla

    Is a 6 figure salary possible with a CS or SE degree?

    Well in that case, you've answered your own question.
  4. Trebla

    Is a 6 figure salary possible with a CS or SE degree?

    Well your original thread name is "Is a 6 figure salary possible with a CS or SE degree?"
  5. Trebla

    Is a 6 figure salary possible with a CS or SE degree?

    I don't think the average pay of ANY degree is 6 figure lol (except maybe Med?).
  6. Trebla

    Is a 6 figure salary possible with a CS or SE degree?

    Definitely. I think a few current CEOs have arts degrees. No matter what industry you get into, it is possible to achieve a 6 figure salary. It's just about getting to the right companies with the right opportunities. When it comes to getting promotions for a 6 figure salary your degree...
  7. Trebla

    Is a 6 figure salary possible with a CS or SE degree?

    You do realise it is possible to get a 6 figure salary with any degree right?
  8. Trebla

    The question of the decade.

  9. Trebla

    Quadratic Functions anyone?

    Let a and (a+1) be the roots of the equation. Use the product of roots to solve for a and then use the sum of the roots to solve for n.
  10. Trebla

    Interest and Job prospects for different uni degrees.

    I've never heard of this issue in Medicine. Can you please provide evidence of this? I think this is already addressed in many cases such as cadetships, co-op programs, industry placements etc. The health sciences and engineering in particular do a great job of these as they are usually...
  11. Trebla

    Interest and Job prospects for different uni degrees.

    You can't really blame the individual companies who hire with that requirement though. How else are they going to be confident that you will do the job well with little time and money invested in training you up (especially the smaller ones who can't afford training and can't afford to have the...
  12. Trebla

    Tough Interview Question help

    You can actually make it better by adding something like that better candidate would have qualities you are working on for self-improvement or something like that
  13. Trebla

    Tough Interview Question help

    Because there was a better candidate.
  14. Trebla

    Interest and Job prospects for different uni degrees.

    That's quite rare given that the jobs that require experienced people usually are far too complex for graduates to handle. If the job demands strong technical knowledge of a certain area and/or high levels of responsibility in management then it would be a massive gamble to hire a grad to take...
  15. Trebla

    How do you network?

    Stuff along the lines of "I've noticed you/your division have been working on ABC from what I've heard in the press. I've had some experience in XYZ which really sparked my interest in ABC because of (insert reasons and opinions on ABC). (Insert really specific question about ABC in relation to...
  16. Trebla

    How do you network?

    For the love of god don't ask stupid questions! When I went to the careers fairs at USyd and UNSW this year there were so many people who asked what we did etc. It gets quite annoying when we have repeatedly explain what we do. That being said there were people who did their research, were...
  17. Trebla

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    Scaling generally has a 'diminishing returns' structure. The higher the raw mark, the less they are scaled. Pretty sure if you had like a raw mark of say 65 it would be different story.
  18. Trebla

    Proposed directions for new NSW Calculus based courses

    lol the statistics is much more interesting and complex beyond Year 10 and into uni level. It involves probability and calculus. Way too hardcore for general.
  19. Trebla

    Proposed directions for new NSW Calculus based courses

    I think that statistical inference will be quite limited in it's scope and difficulty unless students properly learn about distributions other than binomial and normal. I'm also wondering whether students will be learning about probability distribution theory which is necessary for statistical...
  20. Trebla

    Proposed directions for new NSW Calculus based courses

    Totally did not expect statistical inference to appear in Ext2