Mainly dinner and whatever people feel like afterwards. If you're coming to the BoS trials just stick around afterwards or PM myself or Carrot so you have a contact.
Yep. I've got 4 majors.
Usually if you do that many majors you won't have room to do electives which is the trade off but I'm pretty happy with the flexibility of the course because I know at UNSW it's a 4 year course and you can only do 2 majors...
I can confirm this.
If you know how to do every question then it can be done without much problem. It's just the knowing what do part that is time consuming.
Anyone is welcome to come but I think it is expected that if you are coming to the event itself you are either helping out or doing the paper. If you want to do anything else then that can happen outside or straight after the exams are done.