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  1. chewy123

    Finished your exams yet???

    ^let's swap then My last one is on monday, then it's holiday!!!:) It's been a shitty first semester.
  2. chewy123

    Is it just me or does anyone else have a lot of assesment taks now?

    It's good to have assignment closer to the trial date, you get to use the assignments as a form of studying and at the same time completing an assignment, win win. And since this is trial, only ranks matter, and since everyone is in your boat, everything would be okay.
  3. chewy123

    Foundations finals :d

    OP, 3 sections - statutory interpretation/tort stuff, research stuff, short questions (answer 3 out of 5 I THINK, you should double check). Didn't your lecturer give you a sheet that has all the info in it? Maybe you can get it on webct. My lecturer also gave be a sheet with review questions...
  4. chewy123

    Law students: do you think about quitting law?

    Atlas: Just a side note, I hail from unsw...but yeh, we feel the same pain, i is access student~
  5. chewy123

    Law students: do you think about quitting law?

    The first few weeks of uni I thought of it constantly, in fact I was certain that I would quit and change to comm (liberal) or comm/art. That quitting desire has died down somewhat since then, not because I don't want to anymore, but because I have less time to think about it, I've decided if I...
  6. chewy123

    B engineering to Secondary Maths Teacher

    I think you can do a diploma of education for just 1 yr instead.
  7. chewy123

    QMA final exam

    ^molested (knowledge) by hand and mind, dun you know our uni motto?:P ..and nah, didn't get my case note back yet, it takes too long to walk from racecourse to uni lol, I emailed for my mark though (no reply yet), you got yours?
  8. chewy123

    QMA final exam

    molestare manu et mente
  9. chewy123

    estimates, how?

    we give hope, not estimates, but we don't tell them the difference
  10. chewy123

    QMA final exam

    I think QMA is the exception "To pass QMA a minimum of COMPOSITE mark of 50% is required. You do not need to attempt ALL assessment tasks to pass if you satisfy this minimum requirement. "~webct
  11. chewy123

    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    Re: Pls read if you're considering pharm (warning: very lengthy) Shit! I regret not trying out for pharmacy =.="". Isn't that the best job? No Pressure, no stress, stable and low competition !!
  12. chewy123

    struggling with essay writing speed

    Have you seen the exam booklet? The lines are huge, maybe other people are using different paper and have different font size. And someone said, just push through it, the markers are paid to read your ugly writing, be fast not neat.
  13. chewy123

    How much are you stressing due to the HSC?

    ZERO! cause I finished:P i m just trolling here although I shouldn't.. Anyway, good luck lil ones, the bumpy ride is just about to begin...
  14. chewy123

    [Serious] Law students, do you have a life?

    Nah law students party a lot, a least in unsw, usually because they are smart to begin with (i m exception). Lawyers on the other hand is a whole different story, from what I hear lawyers typically work 60-80 hrs/week, if not more. 40% depression rate, surely having no life (or a crap life)...
  15. chewy123

    UAI estimate plz (got my half yearlies back)

    ^You can in yr 12 - if, say, you want to drop physics, you can replace it with senior science rather than dropping the units completely.
  16. chewy123

    to drop or not to drop?

    If you have to drop one of them and assuming you're okay with everything else, I would say drama.
  17. chewy123

    Is it too late to change subjects?

    I think it's too late. You only have the first 2 weeks to swap, but ask your head teacher or principle anyway.
  18. chewy123

    Estimate my UAI please.

    95+ Don't let bos run your life though, last yr the estimates i got was 75ish, 83ish and 93.
  19. chewy123

    Drop Ext 1 English?

    Really depend on your aim. If you are aiming fairly high, e.g. 95+ uai, then I would feel slightly uncomfortable of you doing only 10 units and with general math and visual art. Not to dumb you down or anything, as you maybe pretty smart, the fact that 50+ students in your school does general...