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  1. Sarah168

    RIP John Kenneth Galbraith

    :( I only just saw this on ABC news. I wasn't even watching the screen but his voice is instantly recognisable.:( The only thing I know about his work is through Ecop1001 but he was one of the more interesting economists we learnt about. I'm studying mainstream economics now but I think I...
  2. Sarah168

    Kaynesian Theory

    is there something in particular you don't understand about Keynesian theory, felix? it's difficult to get lots of replies when you have such an open ended questions. I don't think anybody is gonna type up a whole summary of Keynesian theory in response...
  3. Sarah168

    What is the most godawfully bad book you have ever read?

    i know it's a classic and i don't often bag out a classic but Gulliver's Travels was a horrible read. Booooooring. I don't think the story itself is particularly boring but the writing made me so sleepy.
  4. Sarah168

    USYD public transport

    there's hardly any difference between walking to parra rd and city rd
  5. Sarah168

    Skinnies vs. flares/bootlegs

    for well priced jeans, go to giordano, target and jeanswest. They have bootcut in comfortable stretch denim. The only jeans I own are from Giordano or Target. So comfortable. I hate stiff jeans.
  6. Sarah168

    The "Help!!What song is this?" thread

    Re: what is this song? this song is always on mix 106.5....:o yeah, i listen to that station sometimes :o
  7. Sarah168

    Your dalliance with The Classics

    i like older novels anyway. There are great Russian and English novels from the 18th and 19th century. I'm a classics addict. I first found the language difficult after being immersed in rubbish teen novels but find it so rewarding once you grasp the language of each writer.
  8. Sarah168

    USYD public transport

    i think it's still a pain even if the travelpass makes it cheaper. Easier to just get off at Redfern and walk to wherever you need to go.
  9. Sarah168

    ECON 1001 Question.

    From what I remember, you have to go to the right lecture time even if they're the same lecturer.
  10. Sarah168

    USYD public transport

    nothing wrong with walking it redfern at night cos there are always tonnes of people walking there esp if it's about 15 minutes past an hr when everyone is being let out of class. I wouldn't walk to Redfern alone without a crowd of other people, at night.
  11. Sarah168

    Winter Wish List 2006

    got a black and white striped long sleeve but it's a little out there cos of the white. I want this cheap but nice looking henley from jay jays long sleeve striped in black and charcoal :)
  12. Sarah168

    Toe Cleavage.. yay or nay

    im not even gonna comment on those split toe things toe cleavage looks bad. Like the shoe doesn't fit and you're trying to squeeze into a size too small. I hate shopping for ballet flats and they're all low cut :mad:
  13. Sarah168

    what shoes with skinny's?

    well, the most obvious thing that comes to mind (considering your name as well lol) would be BALLET FLATS! :D
  14. Sarah168

    How to get to UNSW?

    thanks people! :)
  15. Sarah168

    How to get to UNSW?

    Hey everyone This has probably been asked before but I can't find the thread. Anyway, does anyone know the quickest way to get from USYD to UNSW? The only way I could think of would be to catch a bus to central then a bus to UNSW. Is there a better way? Thanks
  16. Sarah168

    ur fav tv show??

    always the simpsons i guess. I never get sick of it and watch it every time i catch it on. Unless its those stupid horror ones. I love spicks and specks too :D
  17. Sarah168

    What do you think?

    AGREED! I wouldn't touch torn frayed jeans or pants but sometimes a top is very cute and would be perfect if the edges aren't all frayed and have that "rough cut" look . Bah :(
  18. Sarah168

    What do you think?

    What the hell is with jeans always being too long. I'm not short but I have NEVER ( i mean never ever ever) managed to find a pair of jeans or pants that don't need to be hemmed. Esp if they're bootcuts, they end up being straight legs when I hem them up. :mad: :mad: We aren't all Giselle Bundchens!
  19. Sarah168

    Year 11 Advanced English - Area of Study

    I didn't mean the old HSC syllabus but things that are in the 06/07 syllabus.
  20. Sarah168

    what Fashion Mags????????

    Omg, renewing all of them must cost a fortune :eek: