Search results

  1. kami

    Certifate III to UNI?

    You're most certainly welcome.:) Also, there are alternative measures you may take if you still wish to pursue a degree or diploma at university. If you wish to know more, click here.
  2. kami

    Certifate III to UNI?

    You generally need a Certificate IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma if you wish your TAFE studies to contribute toward getting into university - Certificate IIIs will not on their own suffice. However, some universities may award you with credit(RPL) so that if you do get into a degree, you may be...
  3. kami

    Young Writers Showcase '05

    Alternatively, your local library will likely have a copy for you to peruse.:)
  4. kami

    what constitute as sex?

    Oral is not always involving the penetration of a penis into a mouth though - it at times is caressing/limited penetration by the tongue eg cunilingus/analingus. So in that proposed scenario if you had a male-female relationship then oral would only be sex when the man recieves but not when he...
  5. kami

    Only in the Netherlands ...

    Its the only example I could come up with at the time that I wouldn't need to use google for. :p Perhaps the Communists would be a better example then - I'm pretty sure they have a party in Australia.
  6. kami

    Only in the Netherlands ...

    Odd article. Though it should be noted that the party depicted there has little presence in the Netherlands and perhaps could be equated to our Family First party in terms of influence.(Don't know who Family First are? Then there's my point) Also from an ideological standpoint, the areas...
  7. kami

    How do I get into Tourism?

    I also imagine that any tourism diploma at TAFE would give you significant exemptions in your degree if you chose any of the other options Jase has outlined.:)
  8. kami

    Urgent help.. what are my rights in this situation?

    Ethically I do not believe your teacher should not have done that, but it is your responsibility to give the school information on any issues you may have relating to your education so thatt they may accomodate your needs. Perhaps if you used a certificate and presented it to the school/faculty...
  9. kami

    what constitute as sex?

    What would they have then? And if they don't have sex then doesn't that mean they can't have foreplay since it doesn't neccesarily come before anything else. I'd personally throw in the idea that whenever a penis enters any of the already mentioned orifices or if a tongue enters/carresses an...
  10. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I refuse to believe 10% of mankind has an genetic malfunction making them incapable of having sex with the opposite sex as well. Which is why you'll find that it has been argued and established previously in this very thread that homosexuals are not incapable of heterosexual sex - it is just not...
  11. kami

    How do you find out whether someone's gay?

    Alot of different places have different attitudes to gay/bi peoples. If its threatening in a social or physical context for you then it likewise it will be for her, so its more likely she'd confide in you if you confided in her - people who are in closets themselves won't always be able to see...
  12. kami

    Can I use the book, Nineteen Eighty-Four as Related material for Raw?

    I agree with glitterfairy, you can use texts prescribed for other modules but you must do them well and in a way specific to your module as opposed to the module you took them from. However as wide reading is one of the criterion for several of the English courses (presumably also for Standard)...
  13. kami

    More BAshings...

    Poloktim is correct - my statement was regarding the arts discipline has a whole often requiring more reading than expected. However as I have not personally done the readings for any UOW arts subjects, I was not willing to make blanket generalisations or assumptions as UOW may set more or less...
  14. kami

    More BAshings...

    Just a note on this - not a debate, but the readings you have been given are not indicative of the readings given out for all humanities based subjects. For one of my subjects alone in communications at UTS I am required to do nearly 1000 pgs worth of reading a week from the readings on my...
  15. kami

    Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Media Arts & Production) What do you think?

    As far as transferring from another bachelor goes, any UTS communication degree would be good as it would credit you for all of the first year core except your proffessional strand (Media Arts), and would give you 2 semesters of electives credited as well. From other universities, the BA in...
  16. kami

    Hsc At Tafe?

    Ok, to enroll in the 2007 session for Granville means you would enroll around late February next year. You'd basically attend an information session and then go to an interview where you would choose your subjects - you may or may not also have to sit a brief literacy and numeracy test to...
  17. kami

    Guestimate your autumn final marks :)

    Writing: Style and Structure - P Contemporary Cultures 1 - P/F Communications and Information Environments - P Power & Change in Australia - C/D Introductory French 1- P/F Oh the horror! EDIT: Guess v. 2 Writing: Style & Structure - P/F Contemporary Cultures 1 - F Communications and...
  18. kami

    General UTS chit-chat

    Hmmm... I should probably answer my own questions!:p I'm Evan and I'm doing BA Communications (Writing & Cultures) at UTS, just started this year annd should hopefully finish in 2008. I've been flirting with the idea of transferring to either BCA (Creative Writing) at UOW, BSci in...
  19. kami

    General UTS chit-chat

    Wee! We have one of these now! Take that unsw!(jk) SUGGESTION: Everyone who posts in the thread should answer at least one question, and has to make another question to add to the set of questions that people answer. So who here is doing what? Have you enjoyed UTS so far? Whats your...
  20. kami

    what constitute as sex?

    What about gay women?