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  1. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Yes, I got a random email stating that I have recieved further extensions [which I did not apply for].:D Also: Nephew walked for the first time on Friday!!!!:D
  2. kami

    Sexual Education and the youth of Australia

    If you wish to be registered with the Board of Studies as a school, then you must at some point cover those topics, regardless of whether religious, secular, public or private. However alot of leeway is given in how it may be taught and from what perspectives and with what morals.
  3. kami

    Sexual Education and the youth of Australia

    In Australia, we have it as compulsory to teach subjects such as safe sex, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases and homophobic bullying. However some sectors would prefer abstinence based sex education on the premise that 'prevention is better than the cure', there are also at times...
  4. kami

    TAFE Diploma..

    I know that often the official certificate thingo doesn't arrive until about a semester after you finish - if you finished in sem 2 last year then you should be getting them soon [AFAIK].
  5. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Dear all, I have a malformed haiku for you: I love UTS Extensions are bliss wooh
  6. kami

    failing and hecs-help

    If you're FEE then the limit is $50, 000 for a deferred government loan however as far as I know HECS does not suffer the same dollar limit. Rather it is restricted to 7 years full time study (in UNSW terms that'd be 330 something cp) but it can be extended if you recieve honours. If there is a...
  7. kami

    What would you do?

    Congratulations Susan!:)
  8. kami

    why did u choose UTS?

    I chose UTS because at the time it made the most sense to put it first on my preferences as it has easy travel access and it has one of the better courses in creative writing in the state. I will also admit to the fact that I did not believe I would make the cut off for the course so I put it...
  9. kami

    Couldn't attend an I.T. information session - what did I miss??

    What will generally happen at an Information Session is that they will give you general info about the course (ie how long it is, what specialisations, what you need to get in etc). Most of this information can be gotten from the TAFE Handbook at the TAFENSW website. Depending on the course they...
  10. kami

    failing and hecs-help

    Provide you do a CSP course then any units you repeat will just be added onto your debt (until you run out of HECS that is).
  11. kami

    Regarding Exams and Special Considerations

    Hey, I was just wondering with exams and special consideration, does anyone know how the special consideration works? ie not the application, but the actual special consideration? Also doesn anyone know if there are any repercussions to applying for special consideration? Thanks in advance to...
  12. kami

    I just kicked someone's crap off a tableeeee!!!

    Nah, make websites about all of the table hoggers with fake info like: "Marion here *shows photo* finds it a turn on when you throw green paint at her and she spends most of her day near X7A, so give her a green splat when you see her." I guarantee they will never hog the library desks again.
  13. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    See, this is part of the problem - when you say so and so is normal and yours then what you are also doing is saying 'they aren't like us and they're not a part of our society'. Its also saying 'my way or the high way' and that is going to provoke a response - whether its womens groups...
  14. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Re: Islamic Sex Education in Australia Then explain homosexual albatross. Or sheep. Or [insert animal here]. While very few definitive conclusions can be reached about homosexuality, one of them is this - its more than a 'social disorder'. Further, what of gay children raised by straight...
  15. kami

    Important - Please Read

    You're an 04er/05er stuck in a timewarp, I don't care what you say. And uni is a bit of a stumbling block, but it will be bypassed sooner or later.
  16. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Yes, along with everything else he had to deal with that name too. Try not to let it get to you too much - you'll find those big days will feel really small by the end of the year. And I'm trying to take that way of thinking with uni - stress minimisation is a go!
  17. kami

    Important - Please Read

    I'd imagine that I would feel like Dumbo did when he saw all those pink elephants, except worse if I had to stare at that pink void for too long. Mark Schenkenberg showering nude for a jeans ad(how people would remember the jeans I have no idea) would most definitely be outside the rules. :p...
  18. kami

    Important - Please Read

    I know, its a very important concept.:D The hosting site of that last picture is so pink it hurts my eyes.:( And I have a hotter pic of Schenkenberg, it might be pushing the limits of this forum to post it though.:p
  19. kami

    Third derivative method

    Actually its even lower than that, only first year maths in either pure or applied is required to teach maths as your second teaching area at least thats what TEACH.NSW's site says. Which is truly frightening when you say that many teachers are not truly qualified to teach - does this mean they...
  20. kami

    Questions to People With a Religion/No Religion.

    So you're saying you follow your Dharma but do not believe in Īshvara or the devas?