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  1. kami

    Questions to People With a Religion/No Religion.

    Ah...what? I don't get it. Isn't atheism a lack of belief in any divine being? Or do you just mean you follow the cultural practices of hinduism without the spiritual beliefs?
  2. kami

    Important - Please Read

    *drools* Oh the possibilities... And I just remembered there was Ryan Carnes from Desperate Housewives and Channing Tatum
  3. kami

    New Moderator

    You could always ask teh admins for an mw sub-forum like S&C and EE2 has...*shrugs* Oh and congrats on finally getting to mod histx
  4. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Yes you should have - a few weeks ago he was dancing in his underwear and tied up shirtless in the same episode. Welling ftw! EDIT:And then there is Alex. Yum.
  5. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Oh Gale...what gorgeous eyes you have. Of course, there is still Tom Welling to consider.
  6. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Haha, your avatar makes me think of a 3 foot tall Hitler for some reason(yes I have a weird imagination) Thats where my av comes from, but not many of the pictures are as hot as the one in the av, except maybe this one...
  7. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Agreed. It was like a massive Drew Fuller myspace moment. Except more pretentious.
  8. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Thankies, I never knew Drew Fuller could look this spunky until I saw the picture and then it was like "lo and behold!" and thus he just had to go in my avatar.:D
  9. kami

    Dropping a subject + units...

    Whats the fourth Ext. subject? I thought you only did the Math and Jap Extensions.:confused:
  10. kami

    What would you do?

    What does it really matter what you think of others behaviour? They're not the subject of this thread - she is. Those people were also using it in the context of the thread - note that most posters so far haven't taken the time to criticise each other but rather give the best advice they can...
  11. kami

    5 people you'll invite for dinner

    She can sing to stop the neighbours from hearing the other sounds.;)
  12. kami

    5 people you'll invite for dinner

    Alex Dimitriades Tom Welling Drew Fuller Alicia Keyes Jamie Oliver One of them is to cook, the rest are for entertainment purposes...
  13. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Ahem! How dare you purport that I am of such low morals, Mon! *whisper* Go to the back alleyway on kathoey street *whisper*
  14. kami

    Important - Please Read

    [cultural theory]It is presumed that the male fascination with video games stems from a need to re-identify their masculinity via phallic symbols e.g guns and swords in what is quintessentially a warrior/hunter environment. It is for this reason that 'girl gamers' may often recieve some...
  15. kami

    What would you do?

    My advice, while probably worth little, is to simply go and have fun and take your boyfriend along without telling them. Simply because while they are your mother and father, and you do live under their roof they don't own the right to this information or choice so if it will only upset everyone...
  16. kami

    Tattooing and Piercing?

    Unfortunately I cannot answer that, however if you go here you may find more information.
  17. kami

    Why does everyone find uni so hard compared to high school?

    I never did society & culture or modern history and I'm understanding the content of Social, Political & Historical studies fine. Same with French. I'm just disgusted at the time frame.
  18. kami

    Why does everyone find uni so hard compared to high school?

    I actually don't think the content is that much harder, I just have little interest in articulating most of it(first year core). However what is a stressing change is the time frame that exams/assignments are stuffed into. In HSC there was usually a learning time, practicing and then revision...
  19. kami

    Important - Please Read

    But it cast TRIPLE!! And doomtrain could go choo choo and...stuff.
  20. kami

    Eligibility for Concession Sticker

    You count as a full time student so long as you are doing a .375 HECS load per semester (ie 18 credit points if you do UTS and i think its the same for UNSW). So if you do those 3 (18UOC) subjects then you'll get FT status and the sticker I presume.