Search results

  1. kami

    Certificate IV / Diplomia of Professional writing and editing/ Short story course

    Hey Hocko87, I'll just break down your questions in point form: First, basically any Diploma's marks can contribute to your entry score at uni, regardless of whether it is in an entirely different subject or not. They take your GPA(your average marks) from the Diploma and transform it into a...
  2. kami

    How do i cope with 15 units!?

    Hey misspriss, 15 units is quite a heavy load to carry and I think you'll find that it is simply not sustainable throughout the HSC without detriment to your marks. I can understand your desire to take so many courses during your preliminary year as its difficult to know exactly what you are...
  3. kami

    How do u get ur own picture thing under ur name in posts?

    Click User CP, then on the left there should be a link stating: Edit Avatar. Then once you are there either click on the standard forum avatars or click on the 'Use Custom Avatar' button, then 'Browse' and then choose which picture to upload(while making sure that the maximum size of your custom...
  4. kami

    Where do you want your degree to take you?

    Someone with a 3 year degree majoring in psychology(ie a BSc or BA or BSocSci) is basically not qualified to work as a proffessional psychologist - you require the fourth year upgrade (the honours year or postgraduate diploma) to be certified, people who enroll in BPsych have an honours embedded...
  5. kami

    EE2 Marks!

    Actually this is one of the grey areas with EE2 - how much or how little the Reflection is worth and how it contributes. My own teacher, who was present at the convening that brought about EE2 and who has marked it previously has stated it was worth approximately 40% of the mark but whether she...
  6. kami

    What would you like to see on BOS 2006?

    Minor suggestions: In the tertiary general subforums, maybe rename the Arts and Humanities one to Arts, Humanities and Education so that the education students have their own spot without going to the trouble of making a new one since its sorta related. Also, maybe change Medicine into...
  7. kami

    getting into uni after tafe?

    Ok, just to clear up a couple of things..: Advanced Diplomas don't get an easier entry as opposed to a Diploma, even though Diplomas get in more easily than Cert 4s. What they do, is give extra credit at university, meaning you can skip certain classes at uni because you have already done their...
  8. kami

    TAFE to Uni in an unrelated field

    Ok, what happens is they take your GPA and convert it into a rank(vaguely like the UAI process). They then average this with your UAI, and this average is the what they will use to determine whether you meet the cut-offs or not. Not all universities take Certificate 4 results though, instead...
  9. kami

    wts Visual Communication n Media Comm???

    TAFE Handbook entries: Media Visual Arts
  10. kami

    three sciences!! is any1 else doin 3??

    You are only allowed to do a maximum of six units of science, but the Board doesn't recognise Agriculture, Geography, Food Science, Maths or PDHPE as sciences and they all have elements of science so by doing one of those you can sorta get around that six unit rule if you are keen.:)
  11. kami

    Get your stalking materials here! [Updated Sem II]

    Re: Get your stalking materials here! Semester 1: Pink is MQ, yellow is UTS.
  12. kami

    Where's best?

    From what I've heard MQ, UWS, and UNSW all have very good psych depts. Also, both MQ and UWS have B Arts(Psychology) which would be right up your alley and both MQ and UWS have NAADI accredited language subjects(apparently..) However there is one other factor that must be remembered: if you...
  13. kami

    Tafe or SIBT...??? any1 help???

    Couple of points: University and TAFE don't have some sort of ranked relationship, they are good in different sectors so if the area you wish to study is at TAFE then thats where you should go, similarly with SIBT, if the course you want is there, then that where you should go. You should call...
  14. kami

    Biki discussion forum issue

    Hey, I was just wondering if there is something wrong with that(Biki discussion) forum, or am I not permitted to post new threads in there?
  15. kami

    The Skull Beneath The Skin

    Its probably a better idea for you to read the text, then ask questions and discuss issues you have. This is because its easier for you to form a solid understanding of the text yourself with help from others than it will be for you to memorise a study guide especially when your understanding...
  16. kami

    Communications:Roll Call!/Getting to know you!

    Its different for me though as I have a class at MQ on the same day and it'll be just a tad hectic if I have to do back to back classes...I suppose I'll just have to put up with it:(
  17. kami

    Communications:Roll Call!/Getting to know you!

    I enrolled today, somewhat displeased with the fact that I can't take morning lectures and afternoon tutes...:( I'm also surprised at the mass of communications students, I never thought there were sooo many! And hi Sabrina and Paul! lol:wave:
  18. kami

    Anil's Ghost

    If I were you, I'd focus on the difference in a western civilisation text and an eastern one, as you see different philosophies and schools of thought espoused in Ondaatje's text and this influences the tale itself. Anil's Ghost is also far more than just a crime text and this comes from the...
  19. kami

    Since there is no HD in TAFE...

    While you are correct in saying that TAFE does not offer HDs, it is possible to achieve a NRSL rank of 91 - 93 for a completed two year Diploma if you achieve all Ds(GPA of 6.0). If you want to look at the mechanics of it, look at this pdf here on the 4th page.
  20. kami

    Captain Pi and Raw Marks

    I'll just make the suggestion here: Captain Pi, would you mind posting here if you have sent a group email out as that means if anyone hasn't recieved something they will know. Otherwise some of us might not get emails for one reason or another and not know that something's up.