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  1. braindrainedAsh

    Whats so bad about...

    I live in Albury, and while I'm still a high school student, I have friends at CSU who love it there. The OT course is really highly regarded, as are the other health science courses (physio, speech path and podiatry). They also have good education courses, and the photography course is very...
  2. braindrainedAsh

    rate ur subjects.. easiest to hardest

    Easiest to hardest 1. Biology (the science of the fairly obvious) 2. Advanced Maths 3. Extension 1 English and Advanced English 4. Modern History 5. Maths Extension 1 and English Extension 2 (ex 2 english is just hard to get motivated to do) 6. Chemistry (I failed year 11 so I...
  3. braindrainedAsh

    How much work have you done so far for your PROCESS DIARY?

    I had forgotten about my journal for about 6 weeks..... I've been going and backdating entries lol...
  4. braindrainedAsh


    Well, my compromise was that I chose a topic that I love (dance) but am writing according to forms etc rather than just writing... I normally wouldn't really edit poetry that I write, I'd just write it. But lets face it- I want the marks. But I can still write to get marks and get pleasure etc...
  5. braindrainedAsh

    Who has started writing?

    I'm also not doing it for the scaling.... I have 13 units so it's possible that it probably won't even be counted in my UAI. I think it's a pretty cool subject.... very individual. I wish I could be this creative in Chemistry lol!
  6. braindrainedAsh

    HSC study camps

    I haven't heard of any... does anyone have any info on some? What do they do, lock you in a room with your books??? Can someone explain?
  7. braindrainedAsh

    Y12 03 - Assessment Marks/HSC Marks

    I don't go to a selective high school or private school but there are some really smart people in my year!! I think there is a lot of competition still, and you feel motivated to compete and work your hardest just to beat those damn snobby brats who go to posho schools and have tutors for every...
  8. braindrainedAsh

    Module A "in the wild" is anybody actually doing this?

    Yep we do. We have just started the module, we are going to get the topic for the speech next term.
  9. braindrainedAsh

    The Individual and Society

    We have done Browning and A Doll's House and we are doing P&P this term.
  10. braindrainedAsh


    I used to write a lot of poetry, but it also was that teen angsty crap lol. I may have helped me a little bit, but it's a totally different thing trying to write poetry based on a theme, using forms such as sonnets, blank verse etc. I also write short stories and stuff... it took me a while...
  11. braindrainedAsh

    School evacuated

    We once had a bomb threat (I don't live in the city so they are very very rare) and it was the funniest thing ever! There was a parcel at the front of the school that said "Bom" on it (yes, it was spelt like that!). They didn't evacuate us, they just cordened off a section of the school. Then...
  12. braindrainedAsh

    For Year 12's!!!

    I found this little thing on the internet.... I Australianized it though (turned Senior year into yr 12, Prom into Grad etc lol) To the Year 12s-- Year 12 is unlike any other year. Here are a few things you should know.. It won't hit you when you wake up for your last first day of school...
  13. braindrainedAsh


    At my school (just a crummy public school) we usually get quite a lot of people over 90... Don't knock non-privates/non-selectives!!!!!!
  14. braindrainedAsh

    Are you enjoying Year 12??

    I love it as well... obviously not the work load, but all the other things that come with being in year 12. I'm going to miss school like mad... the people in my year, teachers, and all the other school things. I actually cried the other day because we were halfway through!! I can't imagine...
  15. braindrainedAsh

    How I remeber the Nucleotide Bases

    I remember A and T go togther because the letters have straight sides, and C and G go together because they are curved letters.
  16. braindrainedAsh

    Strange items in people's common rooms?

    Well in ours the school has supllied an urn, microwave, fridge and toasted sandwich maker. We have a huge noticeboard all over one wall where people stick up all sorts of amusing things... we have a HSC time line where everyone has written up their birthdays lol. Lots of couches, a heater, a...
  17. braindrainedAsh

    laz seeker

    Well, I payed to use Ozseek a few months ago, before I found out that it was combined with lazseeker. It made me happier to know that what I paid was going to contribute to keep this site running. I would rather pay $15 (not very much at all really for a whole year of usage... bet you could...
  18. braindrainedAsh

    i am screwed!

    *hands begin shaking* 4 months? 4 MONTHS????? 4 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *catching breath* It seems so much closer when you say "4 months" instead of my usual "Oh yeah somewhere round the end of August" Well, I also pretty much have zilch.... lots of ideas, just no decent poetry...
  19. braindrainedAsh

    Texts for Individual and Society

    The tv mini series of vanity fair, the films of Emma, The Importance of being Earnest or Sense and Sensability... poetry by Elizabeth Barret Browning, umm Tennyson, umm.......
  20. braindrainedAsh


    The new site is ace, it looks great! One small thing... in the English section we really need to know what texts each of the notes are on.... it's very difficult to find which ones are about your chosen texts. Other than that it looks great, and the UAI Seeker is good too, I didn't mind...