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  1. P

    $$$ Student sub fees on enrollment $$$

    I'm not opposed to student unionism per se. I'm more opposed to what our fucking money will be spent on. Protests (at a $100000 a piece), supporting terrorist organisations, supporting groups like the Queer Collective who are so out of touch with reality that even gay students oppose it, and (of...
  2. P

    $$$ Student sub fees on enrollment $$$

    Technically, it's required that all students enrolling for the calendar year pay the calendar year fees. That's a university senate resolution, and the only organisations that have the ear of the Senate are those who will benefit most from this. plug:
  3. P

    Coffee with Sam Dastyari (President of Young Labor)

    Join the Independent Students' Association, designed specifically for politically minded students who don't or won't have a party affiliation. It's currently just USYD at the moment, but I am Very eager to get branches established at other unis.
  4. P

    USyd Enrolment WAS HELLLL!!!!

    $20-something? Apparently the replacements are plastic. Ugly plastic.
  5. P

    USyd Enrolment WAS HELLLL!!!!

    All paid for by the student body of the University of Sydney, and none that a student like me is allowed to use.
  6. P

    Public transport concessions?

    You can buy a weekly pass for train, or a TravelTen for bus. Or if you're using both quite a lot during the week, you can get a TravelPass.
  7. P

    Govt/Int. Studies Units

    Power in Society is a second semester unit. I'd do it, but I need to start senior units ASAP, so it's Australian Politics and Geopolitics for me.
  8. P

    $$$ Student sub fees on enrollment $$$

    Don't forget the airfares & accommodation for the Executive members. I wonder if there are any NUS representatives here who can actually tell us what the NUS is actually supposed to represent. Because withoutaface is right, protesting seems to be all they fucking do.
  9. P

    $$$ Student sub fees on enrollment $$$

    Rebuttals: As you should well know, public liability & insurance is required - even if the gathering is in a public place. If I were to be injured at a protest, the SRC would rightfully be held responsible. As for NUS, it's still funded by USYD students and as far as I'm concerned is just as...
  10. P

    USyd Enrolment WAS HELLLL!!!!

    They call it the University of New South China...
  11. P

    $$$ Student sub fees on enrollment $$$

    Each protest costs in excess of $100000, with public liability, insurance, police costs, publicity materials (including t-shirts, banners and glossy A3 colour posters), and at one protest a free barbeque. There were six such protests held last year. At these protests, several students were...
  12. P

    $$$ Student sub fees on enrollment $$$

    Before VSU comes in, I'll have "contributed" over $2200. And where has this money gone? Protests (almost a million dollars in student funds were used to pay for protests in 2005 alone), Terrorists (more funding went to the Falun Gong cult than to the Sydney Conservatorium of Music), and Sports...
  13. P

    $$$ Student sub fees on enrollment $$$

    The Federal Government passed laws making this illegal. For USYD students, this effectively means that they're bending the laws to make us all pay this year - but from next year it's our choice.
  14. P

    Cumberland 2006- Who's starting?

    Remember that number well, because at USYD that is who you are.
  15. P

    Would you have an abortion?

    Fathers, and society as a whole must also have a say though. Without establishing guidelines for moral behaviour, there would be no foundation for society.
  16. P

    USyd Enrolment WAS HELLLL!!!!

    It's an hour and a half each way from Greystanes to the city. Normally even if I have the three hours, I wouldn't bother coming back. My suggestion is to take a backpack with you then go to the pub.
  17. P

    Should Abortion be legallised

    Speaking from an atheist perspective, the fundamental argument (from which all other arguments in relation to this issue are derived) comes down to whether the unborn foetus is actually a sentient human. For christians, this is an easy answer, since the position of the Catholic church at least...
  18. P

    The CON!

    I believe one is Choir, the other is Chamber Choir. Attendance is only required for two hours, once a week. And it's because we took you over. We took you over good.
  19. P

    Should I buy a TV tuner from Aldi?

    broken 125cm sony television, one week out of box. Sony: Because Caucasians are just too damn tall.
  20. P

    Enrolment Day Question.

    about 3-4 minutes to the closest entrance to the Uni, then another 3-4 minutes across to the Camperdown side of the campus.