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  1. P

    Coffee with Sam Dastyari (President of Young Labor)

    As far as I'm concerned, any high ranking member of a youth wing of a political party is there purely to brownnose themselves into Parliament. If they really cared about the issues, they wouldn't hide behind party platforms - they'd get out there and really speak their minds.
  2. P

    The CON!

    Choir doesn't need audition, but Choral Ensemble does. The conductor (for both the Choir and Choral Ensemble) is Neil McEwan, who's excellent. You'll find that most Con subjects are 3cp (with the workload of a 6cp main campus subject), but that's normal. As for obtaining permission to enrol...
  3. P

    how fast can you type? how did you learn?

    Back in high school in D&T classes, we'd try and beat the fastest times on Mavis Beacon. By learning the sequences of words, we could achieve speeds of 150+. But in my normal day to day typing, I average about 110-120 words a minute. Comes from learning the piano since I was 5. Piano keyboard...
  4. P

    Photos for enrolment

    And the RTA would have said that the card could not be used as a valid form of identification, because it's too easily forged. Hell, I've got an old student card with my advisor's photo on it. The only thing that makes it look fake is the fact that it's a female picture next to a male's name.
  5. P

    Photos for enrolment

    I can't do anything if you people won't vote for me! Of course, now you can join the ISA and the call for better student cards. By the end of last year, most of my friends' cards had fallen apart. They don't just sit in your wallet - for those of us who actually study we...
  6. P

    Photos for enrolment

    We get a paper student card, and we bring a photo because they stick the photo onto the paper, then laminate it.
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    Photos for enrolment

    Plastic student cards offer so many advantages over paper cards, it's absolutely disgusting that we don't already have them. ISA stand for the introduction of Smart plastic cards, because in addition to all the benefits of plastic cards, they can also be used on campus in lieu of cash and they...
  8. P

    Photos for enrolment

    I can't believe that even in 2006, we're still stuck with paper student cards.
  9. P

    Would you have an abortion?

    I'm not saying deny people an abortion. What I am saying is that the people should be made to realise BEFORE they conceive the child in the first place, that sex is not just fun, but also the method in which human life is created. Like many other dangerous activities that we take for granted, we...
  10. P

    BoS USyders 2006! (Roll Call)

    Now all you new USYDers can join the Independent Students' Association ( Yaay!!! Oh, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music Studies IV
  11. P

    Would you have an abortion?

    Bah, that's exactly what I've been saying. People are both too stupid and too selfish to consider the ramifications of their actions.
  12. P

    Would you have an abortion?

    No, sperm and ovum do not have the potential for human life, unless they are brought together. That's why I consider bringing them together to be the point at which the two parents commit to the creation of life.
  13. P

    Laptops for Uni

    Also, typing noises annoy people around you.
  14. P

    AMEB Exams?

    Nope, I got a "D". The examiner was a dick, but the grade stood. Didn't stop me though, I just went on to try for my AMusA. Of course, the fact that I attempted That after starting the HSC course was probably to my detriment, but hey, it happens. After I finish the BABMusStudies, I'll...
  15. P

    Would you have an abortion?

    Maybe a better example is how we all drive cars. There's a question on the DQT that reminds us that "Driving is one of the most dangerous things people do", yet we rarely think of the responsibility entrusted to us when we take the wheel. The lives of your passengers, people outside your car...
  16. P

    A national identity card

    How would we ever get to 100 points of ID?
  17. P

    Would you have an abortion?

    You don't necessarily learn how to fire a gun because you want to shoot people. But every time you fire a gun, you run the risk of doing exactly that - and it doesn't matter whether you meant to shoot the person, or the duck waddling around them, because the consequence (for the person shot...
  18. P

    Would you have an abortion?

    Apologies for crudeness, but I say fuck what the woman wants, because the woman fucked her rights away committing the act. That, right there, is the proverbial signing of the dotted line on the contract of life. From that point on, the welfare of the child is paramount.
  19. P

    how many subjects do you do??

    The majority of subjects run at the Con remain 3 or 6cp. On occasion, I've had 10 subjects in a single semester. Fortunately, those days are over. But I've still got 6 a semester now.
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    Some people lead their lives by the strength of their convictions. If we aren't willing to stand up for what we believe, then what's the point of living?