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  1. P

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    In my year we took over a science lab (with 20 taps) for a few hours, to fill up thousands of water balloons, and then every single student in my year waterbombed the sports assembly in what was perhaps the most fun couple minutes of school ever.
  2. P

    Update me on VSU

    That seems a little cynical, coming from somebody like you.
  3. P


    That's because AMEB examiners are stupid!
  4. P

    union fees

    In 2005, from my $540, I've attended several Union meetings that were fully catered by the Venue Collection, with my transport home by taxi provided (at $50 a hit). Even though I've made about as much use of the Union as a student could possibly do, I'm STILL unable to get as much value out of...
  5. P

    Laptops for Uni

    I know budget is a big concern, but so should your comfort. Anything above 2.5kg is going to be a bitch to carry around for three years, so it's a good idea to look at lighter laptops, Especially if you already have a desktop computer at home.
  6. P

    union fees

    We have an ISA branch there.
  7. P

    900+ Uni students caught by anti plagersim software

    NUS President Rose Jackson tries to mitigate any fault of students, quoting work and study pressures etc. But she's wrong, because University is a privilege that each and every university student is given. It is our duty as students not to abuse that privilege, and if we have to resort to...
  8. P

    union fees

    $362 a semester? That's gotta be the highest of any uni in the country. I thought Sydney's was the worst, at $540 a year ($590 for first years).
  9. P

    union fees

    They actually use the term (as mandated by NUS) "Queer". So much for student representation, it all goes to campaigning for Queer Rights. ISA prefer the term "Gay", as many gay students find the term "queer" extremely offensive.
  10. P

    union fees

    There's no rush to establish an ISA branch down there. UoW isn't as influential in student politics as USYD, and we're going to be focusing our efforts up here. Nevertheless, it would be extremely beneficial to recruit members at every university possible, so that at least we're all kept...
  11. P

    Laptops for Uni

    It's not THAT bad anymore...
  12. P

    union fees

    There are a lot of students who don't oppose unionism per se, but do detest the ways our union exploits us for our money to push political causes and personal vendettas. At USYD, we just established the Independent Students' Association, and launched, an initiative intended to...
  13. P

    Laptops for Uni

    If I hate the class, I'll purposely sit closer to the front and play games or surf the net. I wrote some of my best Quah Reports in Gender Studies lectures.
  14. P

    union fees

    At USYD, the same applies, except the fees go towards the Building Fund.
  15. P

    Would you recommend Asian Studies?

    Very informative post. I would recommend Asian studies, but that recommendation is tempered by the fact I only did one semester of it. Prof. Helen Dunstan is fantastic, and my experience with that Department has been nothing but positive so far.
  16. P

    union fees

    I wonder if I could ask the university for my fees to go towards the Independent Students' Association instead. We could really do with the funds, in providing the services that the SRC and Union SHOULD be providing, but aren't.
  17. P

    How do you Study 4 UNI.

    Agreed. Most of us have better things to do with our time than work towards HD averages. Unfortunately for me, that "better things to do with our time" involves trying to take over the SRC (, but it's better than study. Join ISA.
  18. P


    No, if you're a student who's skipping semester 1, then you are exempt from fees altogether. But if you're skipping semester 2, you will not have to pay the fee for the full year.
  19. P

    union fees

    I haven't seen any such clause in the legislation that allows that.
  20. P

    Bring back the draft, cries Young ALP

    Exactly. As a business owner I would not want to pay more than I could get away with to my employees - the first concern of the employer is the employer. Regulation provides a guarantee that the rights of the employee are also respected, ensuring that the employer-employee relationship doesn't...