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  1. Tenille

    Double Degree Woes...

    I had made my choice they just made me go in circles before going yeah its all alright. hahah Raiks you became a "friend". cause i didnt want to some some internet random who after sorting it all out, asked what i was wearing :p
  2. Tenille

    what sub's are you all doin???

    Autumn: COMM100 ACCY100 POL111 HIST107 Spring: MARK101 MGMT110 POL121 STS116
  3. Tenille

    Double Degree Woes...

    go see the arts people go to the commerce people go to the arts people go and see the commerce people and so on. pissed me of majorly but i am enrolled in stuff and tahts all that matters. did anyone else notice that those purple shirts were from 2003? and what was with those christian...
  4. Tenille

    UOW offers

    will they send me a book that list all the subjects, or is it on the net somewhere?
  5. Tenille

    UOW offers

    (i really have no ida) surprising isnt it
  6. Tenille

    UOW offers

    no idea, maybe human resources, but my mind could change really easliy, arts no idea. with commerce you don't really get to pick 1st year subjects right?
  7. Tenille

    UOW offers

    Not an excuse! hahah someone pick my subjects for me, i read that stupid book and it gave me a head ache, i hope they send me more stuff i want more head aches. what should i choose...
  8. Tenille

    Are checkouts that bad?

    oh and we are getting new registers too, and they are too quite i don't like them, i want my old noisy one back i knew when i scanned something then
  9. Tenille

    What preference number did you get?

    2nd but i knew i wasent going to get 1st
  10. Tenille

    UOW offers

    ohh thansk sweetheart, your always the nice guy :)
  11. Tenille

    Are checkouts that bad?

    blah i read these then it happens, then i remember reading them, and i get even more annoyed, i hope you are all happy
  12. Tenille

    Anyone work at Woolies?

    puts hand up 1) im like 1 and a half years (no one loved me, but i on;y had registers ticked, one day i ticked everything and got an offer within weeks. 2) 90% good 3) $12 something
  13. Tenille

    UOW offers

    so who will be at uow next year? i got 2nd preference arts/commerce, yay 4.5 years stuck with santa *gets excitited*
  14. Tenille

    Accepting/Rejecting Offers

    so i just click the box and thats it...?
  15. Tenille

    Are checkouts that bad?

    Tenille thats a nice christian name? it is news to me. hahaha i know what music your parents listen to hahahah so wheres the captain? All the people who say these think they are the most original in the world, but there not right i just have a really boring last name. hahahah this guy...
  16. Tenille

    anyone ever get the job right on the spot?

    why i was only buying a drink
  17. Tenille

    Help with ISP please - B.A. Santamaria

    umm there is this crazy thing called 'the movement' which she could write 1200 words on alone.... politics would be a major influence on his life... mannix, catholicism, sectarianism...
  18. Tenille

    anyone ever get the job right on the spot?

    I went to coles myre interviews not last xmas the xmas before. where they were been done there was a cafe next door, tenille was early so went in to buy a drink. owner: are you looking for a job? Tenille: yeah owner: would you like to work in cafe during the week. Tenille: im still at school...
  19. Tenille

    Are checkouts that bad?

    7:am: (opening time) or just after a pick up customer: are you opening? me: yeah just ut your stuff up i'll be ready in a minute im just opening. customer: ok *items scanned* me: would you like any cash out. customer: $400 me: sorry i don't have that i just opened. customer: sigh bu i...