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  1. Tenille

    Geo Notes

    I agree you would be a fool to rely on just random notes on the internet but it is a start. these are my last lot of notes by Economic activity notes were handwritten and .'. unavailable. also these notes are based on my school textbook (macmillian i think) and the maquarie study guide. i got...
  2. Tenille

    rent share near uni!

    what suburbs have you been looking at, it might be cheaper to live a bit further away from the uni, but near the hwy or a train station so that travel is still easy. Also i don't know where you live now but if you can get hold of a saturday addition of the illawarra mercury many share houses...
  3. Tenille

    Geo Notes

    World cities notes
  4. Tenille

    Geo Notes

    Mega cities notes
  5. Tenille

    Geo Notes

    ecosystems at risk notes:
  6. Tenille

    Is the customer always right?

    Lol i agree i just don't like kmart. call me bitter....
  7. Tenille

    Is the customer always right?

    You must be mad. Lately i have been getting customers who think that if there is a two items for $5 specical if they buy one iten they will get it for $2.50. sorry dear it does not work like that...
  8. Tenille

    What are you currently Reading?

    We were the rats by lawson glassop, its a bit hmmm
  9. Tenille


    No, yes, no idea
  10. Tenille

    The Literary Acquisition Thread

    Wild Lavender by Belinda Alexandra We were the rats by Lawson Glassop A clockwork orange by Anthony Burgess Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets by J K Rowling the power of one by Bryce courtney. I brought them at the sales and then had to carry them around i. dumbest idea ever i...
  11. Tenille

    What are you currently Reading?

    Wild Lavender by Belind Alexandra
  12. Tenille

    Dear 1st Year Students

    oh and the library fans and water fountins that don'tsquirt up high...and the ducks i hate ducks and the icy spinage rolls which were green slop covered with icky "pastry"
  13. Tenille

    Dear 1st Year Students

    Dear Raiks, after reading many of your posts over the past few days i have come to the conclusion that you must mention uni trivia in every second post. the end. Love Tenille. balh will uow eventually end me an idiots guide to understanding uni :(
  14. Tenille


    at my work ive heard its basically from 6ish till sometimes open the next day or some other silly time like 2-4am. i would find it really boring but hey money is money
  15. Tenille

    The Amazing Race

    I know and watching a taped episode just isnt the same
  16. Tenille

    January Options Day...

    I doubt i'll go
  17. Tenille

    Who got in/thinks they're in?

    Yeah i should be there
  18. Tenille


    We have a bunch of people who are under 18, but im not saying that they are like 14 im talking 17 or so
  19. Tenille

    Anyone working XMAS EVE??

    Same and off all meat too, bloody stupid customers. hahah they had some watermelon down to 99c but they didnt write per kilo. me: this is 99c per kilo. customer: but it says each piece is 99c blah blah me: but its cheaper this way look it only ends up been 90c customer: but it says 99c...
  20. Tenille

    The Amazing Race

    I can't stand brandon and nicole bloody christians. "Lord send us a taxi". omg those church things are on every corner, umm what are they called mosques or something. i missed this weeks and will probably miss next weeks bloody work :(